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Drugs Marker

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nactel | 18:51 Mon 16th Jun 2014 | Law
9 Answers
My son was stopped by the police and was told he had a 'Drugs marker' against his name and they searched him. Does this mean he won't be able to apply for an ESTA to go on holiday to America next year?


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has he ever been arrested?
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No. He's never been charged with any offence.
But has he ever been arrested and not charged, or in the company f anyone who was?
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No, I don't think so. He's definitely not been arrested.
No it makes no difference. Unless he has been charged it will not affect him traveling to the U.S. for vacation
Pardon my ignorance but what is a Drugs Marker?
Put simply, it is a flag up of suspicion against a person and/or vehicle when details are run through the system - indicating that in the past there has been some connection with drugs.
I'd guess if the police stopped someone with with this against his name and radioed for information they'd be told that he had a place in the drug world.
The information held can sometimes be skewed though and it is possible to get this altered if this is the case.

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Drugs Marker

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