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Tenants Rights

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Motoxchick25 | 17:07 Sun 24th Feb 2008 | Civil
2 Answers
My partner and I initally signed a 6 month tenancy agreement however, throughout the course of the first 3 months of the tenancy we were subjected to harrassment from our landlord. We then decided to give the landlord a months notice to leave the property stating the reasons above. SInce doing so at the beginning of February we had a letter from the landlord stating that if no new tenants were found for the property then we were liable for the remaining 2 months rent. We then went to seek advice from the CAB who found significant flaws in both the tenancy agreement and the inventory that we signed at the beginning of the tenancy. The tenancy agreement refers to a section 5, there is not a section 5 in the tenancy and also inventory is made out to someone else and not me and my partner. In addition to this our deposit, that was paid in October 2007 was never put into a Deposit Protection Scheme.

The landlord (as stated on the tenancy agreement is an agent) has contacted the owner - who has been coming to the property without prior notice and being agressive and threatening. We realise that this is a serious breach of tenancy by the landlord.

We are due to move into our new house this week and are worried about handing the keys back and getting back our deposit. it would be greatful for some handling tips on this situation. Also we would like some advice on where we stand with paying for the outstanding 2 months that the landlord says that we are liable to pay after these breaches have taken place.



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Go back to the CAB & ask for further advice.

From you questions you're actually dealing with an agency & the owner of the property has decided to stick his oar in - I would actually go down to your local police station - they probably won't want to know but they should be able to offer you advice on how to deal with the harassment.

You should also be able to ask for advice from your local Authority on how to deal with this agent & the house's owner.

If you're paying by Direct Debit, don't forget to inform your bank in writing (send it by registered post), you're no longer tenants with whoever the money paid to and from what they should no longer pay out the money to the agency.
*sorry correction needed

Regarding Direct Debit: tell your bank from what date they need to stop paying out.

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