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Builder's Schedule

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1PrincessPink | 12:15 Wed 13th Nov 2013 | Civil
2 Answers
We have a court order to put up a small fence with its face on the boundary but on our own land. The other side has demanded a builder's schedule. Its a little fence. We have a one man fence contractor who does this part time. Is it reasonable for the other side to have a builder's schedule. The court order does not order it.


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If the court order doesn't order it you can get who you like. You are putting it on your land. Is this the same people who watch you?
not being a builder....

I would write Dear Other People: here is the Works Schedule:
Does the wording of the court order allow you to access their land ?
if not I think you can write what you like;

24 Dec 2012 orwhenever
Put in Fence, length x meters
being 1 clear land
2 put in posts
3 cement thingeys
4 place slats
5 paint our side.

Please note the court order does not specify a works schedule so we reserve the right to alter details during work
yours PP

I can see you re having some issues with your neighbour.
even if they say this isnt a works schedule you can say yes it is

I mean basically you can get on with when you want
and say I, PP am complying with a court order
argue it out with the Clerk of the Court at the Palais of Joostees

They either wish to make difficulties over access if it is court granted
or to photograph the work while it is being done
and dispute the line of the fence as not being the line of the boundary

or something

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Builder's Schedule

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