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Good Sign or Bad Sign....?

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A1Mikey | 11:11 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | Jobs & Education
9 Answers
If someone is working on a probationary period of six months, and after two months their bosses want to bring forward the probabtionary review to next week (i.e. four months early), is this a good sign or a bad sign??


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Bad sign, either they have decided that the performance is not up to scratch in the sample they already have or perhaps, for whatever reason they want rid. Either way it's bad.

Possibly they have been so outstandingly brilliant the boss wants to secure the person early before some other outfit does, though this is extremely unlikely.

what's your gut feel, do you think you have been performing well?
Could be that there are issues but they want to give them the chance to improve their performance dramatically before the end of the actual probationary period, a bit of a warning in a way.
You still not willing to give us the whole picture, Mikey ?
I think it could be a good sign.
If they are not happy with you they can rid anytime during a probationary period so no need to bring it forward.

Maybe they want to change your role?
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Thanks for your answers. Jackthehat - I will post the whole picture tomorrow. Hazel - I hope you are not pscyhic, since I think they might be thinking of changing my role downwards:(
That was more or less obvious from the titles of your recent threads.........
If you present a comprehensive story with *all* the relevant facts and details, you'll get more comprehensive help than by drip-feeding facts. :o)
Since one can have employment contract terminated within the first year by just giving notice, a probationary period is a non-event these days anyway.
Perhaps a sign the employer doesn't know its arris from its elbow when it comes to employment law.
could be a good sign, my b/f worked at places with 13 week trial and has been taken permanent after 4 weeks at times, it could be either. if there is loads of work then its probably good, if theres not much work or orders are drying up then its prob a bad thing.
No, as JtH said it was obv from your other threads that might be happening, was just trying to prompt you to say more ;-)

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