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'Sick Day' Off work

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muchlovex | 21:05 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers
Anyone here 'pulled a sickie' then felt guilty about it?

I bet there are a few of us that have.


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Yep. Pulled a sickie or two...but not felt guilty about it yet.
well I've never pulled a sickie when I've not been sick, I generally feel bad though in case I'm not really sick enough! I have been asked to go home before rather than infecting others.
Once...and then I got sick.
No, I feel bad enough being off work when I am ill.
I did once and started to feel so guilty that I went into work that afternoon. I just made sure I was make-up free so I looked a bit rough. lol
not since I was a teenager.
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'Sick Day' Off work

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