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Are university graduates are taken as seriously as they once were?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Thu 06th Mar 2008 | Jobs & Education
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Universities will be paid �1000 to on D-grade students in a bid to meet university expansion targets. Bearing this new scheme in mind do you think university graduates are taken as seriously as they once were?

  • No, people can go to university to study silly subjects nowadays, it takes very few qualifications to get in, some even see it as three years of partying. - 331 votes
  • 54%
  • It depends, certain degrees can hardly warrant seriousness from potential employers, but there are standards that have to be met to enter university and this should always be remembered. - 205 votes
  • 34%
  • Yes, university graduates are still taken seriously, university is much more accessible than it used to be that's all - 73 votes
  • 12%

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Are university graduates are taken as seriously as they once were?

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