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The rise of the double career break

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AB Editor | 01:00 Tue 29th Aug 2006 | Jobs & Education
0 Answers

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  • 25 - 34 - 59 votes
  • 29%
  • 35 - 44 - 37 votes
  • 18%
  • 16 - 24 - 33 votes
  • 16%
  • It's not perfect and people do get confused. Local councils need to talk to the people to work out the best approach for recycling. - 23 votes
  • 11%
  • 45 - 54 - 22 votes
  • 11%
  • It's completely confused. Different initiatives seem to be brought in every week. there needs to be a rethink. - 17 votes
  • 8%
  • 55 - 64 - 14 votes
  • 7%
  • 64+ - 1 vote
  • 0%
  • Agree - 0 vote
  • 0%
  • Yes - 0 vote
  • 0%
  • No - 0 vote
  • 0%


  • Female - 122 votes
  • 74%
  • Male - 42 votes
  • 26%

Which of the following options would you consider to be the most desirable? (please tick two choices that you most agree with)

  • Offers the chance to recharge your batteries properly - 91 votes
  • 31%
  • Provides enough time for extensive travel - 71 votes
  • 24%
  • Presents the opportunity to reflect on previous work patterns & behaviours and to make adjustments accordingly - 44 votes
  • 15%
  • Helps you to refocus your career on return - 42 votes
  • 14%
  • Would give you time to attend courses & learn other skills without day job pressures - 40 votes
  • 14%
  • Reinforces how important work is in your life - 7 votes
  • 2%

Which of the following options would you consider to be the main disadvantages of a career break? (please tick two choices that you most agree with)

  • The prospect of returning to work fills you with horror after months of freedom - 77 votes
  • 25%
  • The break may leave you feeling less motivated and focused than ever - 58 votes
  • 19%
  • The big boss sees your career break as a lack of interest in your career - 40 votes
  • 13%
  • A long break might result in loss of skills and speed of execution, and confidence in decision making - 39 votes
  • 12%
  • The thought of playing catch up on work done while you were away is unappealing - 38 votes
  • 12%
  • The risk of your position becoming redundant in your absence - 36 votes
  • 12%
  • Colleagues may succeed in usurping your position in the organisation - 25 votes
  • 8%

Have you taken a career break?

  • No - 124 votes
  • 76%
  • Yes - 40 votes
  • 24%

If YES to 5, how long was your career break?

  • NO to 5 - 124 votes
  • 76%
  • 9 - 12 months - 25 votes
  • 15%
  • 0 - 4 months - 11 votes
  • 7%
  • 5 - 8 months - 4 votes
  • 2%

If NO to 5, are you considering taking a career break?

  • No - 88 votes
  • 54%
  • Yes - 46 votes
  • 28%
  • YES to 5 - 30 votes
  • 18%

If YES to 7, then how long would you like your career break to be?

  • NO to 7 - 80 votes
  • 49%
  • 9 - 12 months - 26 votes
  • 16%
  • YES to 5 - 25 votes
  • 15%
  • 0 - 4 months - 19 votes
  • 12%
  • 5 - 8 months - 14 votes
  • 9%

Some companies offer a three month sabbatical if you�ve worked for them for five years. Do you think this should become standard practice for all organisations?

  • Yes - 136 votes
  • 83%
  • No - 28 votes
  • 17%

If your organisation allowed for career breaks, would you be more loyal and less likely to job hop?

  • Yes - 126 votes
  • 77%
  • No - 38 votes
  • 23%

With the extension of retirement ages for men and women, do you think it�s inevitable for organisations to offer some form of career break?

  • Yes - 130 votes
  • 79%
  • No - 34 votes
  • 21%

If you have recently returned from a summer holiday, has it made the prospect of a career break...

  • More attractive - 135 votes
  • 82%
  • Less attractive - 29 votes
  • 18%

Would a career break be less necessary if Britain had more bank holidays in line with other countries in the EU?

  • No - 96 votes
  • 59%
  • Yes - 68 votes
  • 41%

Is taking a career break in your industry tantamount to committing 'careericide'?

  • No - 105 votes
  • 64%
  • Yes - 59 votes
  • 36%

What industry do you work in?

  • Other - 34 votes
  • 21%
  • Public Sector - 26 votes
  • 16%
  • IT - 15 votes
  • 9%
  • Finance - 13 votes
  • 8%
  • Customer Service - 11 votes
  • 7%
  • Secretarial - 11 votes
  • 7%
  • Retail - 10 votes
  • 6%
  • Marketing / Advertising / PR - 8 votes
  • 5%
  • Media Creative - 6 votes
  • 4%
  • Voluntary / Charity - 6 votes
  • 4%
  • Construction - 5 votes
  • 3%
  • Travel / Tourism - 5 votes
  • 3%
  • Catering - 3 votes
  • 2%
  • Engineering - 3 votes
  • 2%
  • Graduate - 2 votes
  • 1%
  • Rail - 2 votes
  • 1%
  • Transport - 2 votes
  • 1%
  • Global Hospitality - 1 vote
  • 1%
  • Sales - 1 vote
  • 1%
  • Risk & Compliance - 0 vote
  • 0%

See final stats

Stats until: 02:44 Sat 27th Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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The rise of the double career break

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