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overhead projector

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sanlou26 | 21:38 Tue 05th Jul 2005 | Jobs & Education
6 Answers

Hi everyone,

Can anyone tell me which side you use to print on, when using printable overhead projector films?  The rough or the smooth side?  I was given them from work and they didn't have any instructions.  Thanks for your help



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The ones I have are HP and they have a paper strip at the top and the instructions are to load printer with the paper strip at the top (haven't actually used mine yet). Just been and felt mine and the rough side is not the side with the paper strip so it would print on the rough side.
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Thanks for that jules001.  Have just printed one out to try at work tomorrow. 
you're welcome, let me know if it works ok.
Use the rough side - that way the ink will not rub off if you are using a deskjet printer. You could use the smooth side if you are using laserjet printers...but eitherway i would say rough works best for both.
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Thank you both very much for your advice, I am pleased to say I got the job and the presentation went well.
well done and congratulations!

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