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terence7556 | 15:02 Thu 03rd Jan 2008 | Insurance
5 Answers
had an accident with a taxi.
i was in a parking bay and he pulled up behiid me ,unnoticed by me. he was parked in the road, dark night and raining, i moved back and hit the side of his car, so slowly i have not damaged my car. his passengers alighted on his drivers side, one metre from white lines. i know im in the wrong but it ticks me off and i wondered if anyone had any advice to offer,i feel like reporting him to his society or whatever taxis drivers belong to but it sounds petty.
he did not give me his name/address, just his taxi office address which means little as the office said he was an owner driver. isnt this an offence under the road traffic act
tx in advance


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So, you reversed without checking that it was safe to do so, damaged the taxi (and therefore damaged the taxi driver's capacity to make a living) but you want to report him! For what exactly?
You want to report HIM?? Are you trying to get yourself prosecuted for careless driving, or what?
What if it was someone stood / walking behind your car ?

I think you get the picture now - just be more careful in future
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point taken guys tx for your answers

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