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The prof

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SKA | 15:27 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | Science
27 Answers
Is he still around? Last year he helped me so much with some questions and I haven't been coming in to this section for the past year so was just wondering if he still came here!!


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Haven't seen the prof around for a while.
Pity... s/he was one of the few who never abused me :-(
Yes, my friends, I'm still around and only too willing to answer questions in Science.

What's happened is that I've had various visiting professorships thrown at me over the past year which resulted in me traveling to the USA, Canada and Europe at very short notice. As nice as they are, they've disrupted my free time no end.

On top of that, this Government has decided to bestow a senior research position on my shoulders and I'm now effectively the head of certain research and development at more than one Government laboratory as well as having my university commitments. Oh, how a yearn for the good old days old days of DERA! Appearing on TV regularly has not helped either although the money's good!

On top of this, I've also had problems with the computer server installed at home by my uni, which has meant problems getting online all too often.

With any luck, I can soon get back to posting on AB more regularly again!

Incidentally, the last time I looked I'm definitely a "he"!

Many thanks for your confidence in me.
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Well I�m glad things are going well for you and your still with us!!
I have a feeling I�ll definitely need your help when I�m back at uni for my final year from September!!
Do you mind me asking whether you've 'outted yourself' on the AB, Prof?

Would we recognise your name? Are you Prof Robert Winston level famous?
Thanks SKA. I'll do my best to be here for you come September. Could I ask what you're reading at uni?

Waldo, I'm not too certain what you mean when you ask about "outting myself" on AB. As for recognising my name, yes, there's a good chance you would. I've written a few books on science for the layman, explained scientific news items on TV and lectured outside the academic sphere to young and old alike. One or two of the former broadsheet newspapers also come running to me on a regular basis.

Robert and his wife Lira, are very dear friends of myself and my wife and we see them fairly regularly. On a professional basis, I've often picked his brains over the phone and he's done the same with me. My wife has a lot in common with him professionally. As far as being as famous as Robert is, it's not easy to answer; amongst my peers and fellow academics the answer is yes, but I'm not quite as famous to the general public.
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I'm going to continue biomedical sciences after I've finished my year out on a work placement
I just want to say hello to Theprof too as I also am a big fan of his.
I meant 'outted' in the sense of whether you had revealed your true identity on AB.
I once thought Theprof shared a lot of similarities with my friends father who's a scientist and very well known in his area but we sorted that out relatively quickly. I wonnder if my friends dad knows you though, didn't think of that! :c)
Thanks SKA. I can see that I'll be useful to you - I'm a consultant to the IBMS and I've lectured on aspects of the course.

China, you're making me blush! I remember that discussion we had well. It's very likely that your friends father knew of me even if he didn't know me personally if he'd been through uni and studied biological or chemical sciences. He would certainly have heard of me if he'd undertaken courses in these areas in any of the Russell Group universities as I've lurked around in these for many years. Come to think of it, I may even have taught him!

Waldo, I've never revealed my true identity on AB. I have revealed that I'm a genuine professor of biochemistry, a university dean and work as a consultant to the UK Government. I've previously disclosed I have doctorates in chemistry, biological sciences and biochemistry and have worked all over the world although I've spent most time in the USA and Canada. I've also said I'm married, am male, have children and my wife lectures in a medical speciality at a Medical School.

Personally, I've got no real reason to remain incognito on AB, but having discussed it with two university vice-chancellors and and a senior civil servant, I've been advised not to do so for reasons I can't discuss. So I'm afraid you'll have to make do with all I've said about me previously.
hmmmm, have you written over 120 papers and 5 books by chance :)
just want to give a shout-out to our gracious theprof. what's up doc!
Less than five books but a dozen or so chapters in books. Papers? Lots more than 120. I've also written the odd preface to books and been employed by publishers as a consultant editor on around a dozen or so

I was once asked by a publisher to review a biochemistry monograph written by probably the most famous biochemist in the world. The man was a household name and he had been my mentor for years. Thank God he saw the bright side of my review!

Hi zabo. I always thought that my proper name sounded better prefaced by "Doctor" rather than "Professor". It suited me better, but I'm not allowed to use it any longer.
well Doc, anyhow you title your brilliant self you're still a genius and man amongst men in my book.
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prof- you've just made my day a consultant to the IBMS!! Who better to help me?!?!
I think it may be more likely you studied with my friends dad if anything Prof! He's in his early sixties I think. Anyway, yes, he's biomedical too but specialises in a particular field and I think he's more academic these days. He apparently did some work with Ann Diamond when her baby died of cot death but I'm not sure how that relates to the work he does now, maybe not at all. Anyway,he's a pretty smart cookie rather like yourself.

Although I suspect his daughter is more fun to borrow shoes from! :c)
Aarrgh, the wife's teasing me again about all this praise I'm getting on AB. I'll have to dilute her wine before I leave for the pub next week!

SKA, I'll help you as much as I can on AB. China, your friend's dad is certainly around my own age, but I've not met that many people who are experts in SIDS. Unless he has the initials PF, I can't think of anyone else offhand.
Thanks, Prof!

I wasn't asking you to out yourself, merely asking whether you had - I can quite understand why one wouldn't want to reveal all, so to speak.

I suspect at least one other person on this thread appears to think you must be Richard Dawkins though.
Prof:- Beats me why somebody so 'normal' wants to spend time with us on AB.

I am off back to A&N to discuss pussy cat psychology.

:-) :-)
Thanks WaldoMcFroog. I'm clear about what you meant now. Having looked through the thread again, I don't think anyone thinks I am my esteemed colleague, Richard Dawkins although you may be right.

I see Richard around once a fortnight on average as a result of our academic commitments. In addition, Richard was on AB for quite a while and we often discussed scientific matters for the benefit of other readers. Having said that, I've discovered tonight that all his posts seem to be missing. Here are some examples of our discussions which is probably the best I can do to prove I am not he! Don't forget his posts are missing but others have addressed him: n258163.html n277291.html n308493.html

Now although I'm heading for senility, I'm really not in the habit of talking to myself!

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