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GEO Rossiter Clock

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Meredie | 17:31 Sun 20th Feb 2011 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
Hi, I have just bought an old mantle clock which has GEO Rossiter stamped in the middle of the face and Foreign stamped at the bottom of the face. It has 3 winding mechanisms (none of which I can seem to be able to turn with the key). Can anyone shed any light on where it may have come from or how old it is? I've tried google and everything but come up with nothing. I fell in love with it at a boot sale but I'm just wondering if i've been had or it is an antique!
Thank you!


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George Rossiter, or Bridgewater. get you started.
*of Bridgewater.
Gawd - never knew they could tell the time in learn something every day
The proud Somerset owner of an impressive new Rossiter of Bridgewater clock was showing it off to a friend. This clock, he said, will go for 14 days without winding.

"Really?" replied his friend, "And how long will it go if you do wind it?"
Scroll down to the the third clock on this page. Over $600 !

Also take a look on ebay, I just googled this one above : "george rossiter" clock
Also No 674 on this page


Up to $1,000 ! I googled "geo rossiter" clock.
There were also clockmakers called George Rossiter listed in trade directories in Weston-Super-Mare and in Yatton (Bristol). Given that all of these places are in the south-west of the country it could, of course, be one man who moved around a bit (or who owned several shops) or different members of the same family.

This is a subscription site. It will cost you a couple of quid if you want to access the directory listings:

The word 'foreign', on a clock with a British clockmaker's name on it, usually means that the movement has been imported (possibly from Germany) but that the face and case are the work of the named maker.

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Thank you everyone, I am slowly putting some pieces together. I am in the south west so may pay a visit to one of the shops with it.

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