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Leaking tap

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shylock73 | 00:56 Wed 21st May 2008 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
My bathroom tap was leaking and I have tightened it up and the leak has stopped, but I have seen in a shop a spray which seals leaks and I can`t remember what it was called. Can you help? I just want to be sure of myself


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First of all,where was the leak from?If its between the incoming pipe and the tap then a spray on or similar will not seal against the water pressure for long.Is it the union nut connecting the pipe to the tap? If so just tightening should be all thats needed.If its at a soldered joint then the joint needs remaking
Tinally did you mean it was dripping,or leaking round the stem.In that case either a new washer ot tightening the stem gland is the answer.
Google it!!!!!
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ianmunt, yes it was the union nut, so have done as you say and it appears to have done the trick. Many thanks.
lsx by fernox is an excellent leak sealant/jointing compound for water.

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