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Can you insulate a bath?

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~Wingnut~ | 16:07 Thu 27th Sep 2007 | Home & Garden
18 Answers
Whilst re-decorating our bathroom we took the panel off the side of the bath and wondered if you can pad underneath and around the bath? As well as insulation we thought it would be good for sound proofing (our bathroom is very tinny sounding).
We were thinking of bubble wrap, would there be any reason why you can't do this?

Sorry if this is a totally stupid thing to ask but if you don't ask etc...

Thanx :o)


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I dont think its a daft question at all. I said only recently that insulating in the cavity under the bath must help keep the water warmer longer.

I would choose fibreglass or mineral wool loft insulation on a roll tho.

Lets hope there's a reply from someone who has tried it.

Get a roll of loft insulation from any DIY store. its a perfectly good idea because,

I done mind, it acts like a thermal flask ie keeps the bath water hotter for a longer period
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Hi rabbitygirl and Laurence :o)

Thank you both for your helpful replies. We will go a head and do it :o)

Thanx again!
oh thats a great idea Wingnut (hi by the way) think I might try that too
I know sod all about baths, well the putting of coats on em anyway, I just wanted to say hi Wingy and hope that you're well?

So errrr hi!

waves to cat too
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Hi mycats :o)

It just suddenly came to me when I saw all that empty space under the bath. My husband said he couldn't see why you couldn't do it but I thought I had better ask on here just incase we were missing anything obvious as to why it can't be done.
Glad I did as I hadn't thought about loft insulation for some reason I was merely limiting myself to bubble wrap! must be because I'm a tight git!!!!! lol

Hi B00!!
I'm ok thanx, how are things with you? How's your wrist? Have you much longer to go until the pot is taken off?

Your all getting 3 stars simply for being so nice :o)
It comes off tomorrow wingy!!! Ya for me, lol. Well, the specialist told me at my last appointment it was coming off tomorrow, if he changes his mind, I might have to do him permanent damage :-)

Good to see you anyway- let us know how the putting a coat on the bath goes.
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Oh thats great B00! Has that really been 8 weeks? (I think I remember you saying it would be on for that long but I could be wrong so apoligise if that is the case!)
God help your specialist if he changes his mind! lol

Glad your finally getting rid of the pot!! Hope it goes well :o)
And don't go buying the expensive insulation Wingnut.

You do not have to stick the insulation to the bath nither. just wrap it around, it dosen't have to be tight fitting
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lol no worries there Laurence!!! (told you I was a tight git!)

Thanx for your reply and advice :o)
I used glass fibre on the floorboards under the bath and up the sides and it worked a treat. If you get a roll of that please be sure to wear gloves as you tear it and fit it.
That is a brilliant idea!
had never thought about this before,but im sold on it, off to B&Q first thing tommorow :-)
Hmmm I work for an insulating company, might have to mention this. I would suggest using the 150mm roll for lofts which will assist in sound insulation too and although it's a boring job try sticking foil to at least one side of the roll (the side facing away fgrom the bath) before installing. Use the spray contact adhesive.

You can put my share of ''your'' payrise in my bank account. lol
I will be lucky to get one Laurence.
Whilst you're at it, Wingnut, you might like to think about insulating the loo cistern as well. It keeps the cold water in the tank warmer & really makes a difference to the condensation that in my bathroom used to drip down onto the floor.
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Thank you all for your posts and suggestions!

I'm glad I posted asking now :o)

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Can you insulate a bath?

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