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PinkPwincesh | 00:19 Wed 17th Jan 2007 | Family Life
7 Answers
i am 15 years old and have a turbulant relationship with my parents, it seems as though we argue about everything! is it just a phase i will grow out of or is this going to last last for ever please help!


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Hi there! I had a similar relationship with mine when i was your age. It wasn't a bad relationship, more a case of me thinking i knew better than them! It is a scary time for your parents as they will recognise you are not a kid any more but you don't really have enough life experience to make good decisions about certain things. Instead of everything leading to an arguement,wait until you are all calm and approach your parents with an ' I would like to talk to you both about.......' attitude instead of expecting/demanding that things are done your way and then shouting when it doesnt go as planned. They will appreciate your maturity if you do it this way and you may be able to come to a compromise. They are only trying to protect you until you are a bit older and don't worry it wont last forever!
Hi Pink!

I had a similar few years with my parents. It didn't help that I was an argumentative little cow, LOL! :o))

It won't last forever, honest. My parents are my best friends now. If you want to add me, it's [email protected]

x x x
Hi, can I tell you about this from both sides?

I have three daughters, the youngest is seventeen, so I do know exactly how fraught these times can be!

From your side, you want to be treated like an adult, but you don't feel like one all the time! You ar busy finding your way in the world, who you are, and what you want to be, and it is very confusing, sometimes frightening. There are days when you hate yourself, and everyone around you, and your parents don't seem to understand, and they just nag and have a go all the time.

From their point of view, they know their 'little girl' is turning into a young woman, and it's difficult for them to make the adjustments. Your mood swings confuse them, your hostility frightens them, and they just want you to be safe and happy - I know it doesn;t feel like that, but having taken care of you from zerio to now, it's hard for them to let go and let you find out things for yourself, good as well as bad.

Yes they nag and moan, but that is only because they love you and want to keep you safe. It's easy at this time in your life to believe that the world is an exciting place - which it is, but its can be dangerous as well, and that is what your mum and dad look for, when you don;t always see it.

So yes, it is a phase, and it does last a while, but you will all get through it - honestly. My eldest daughter and my wife almost came to blows sometimes, but they are as close as sisters now - this fighting passes off, and everyone gets on again.

Man time, try and be patient, and look at their motives for what they do and say. It is rooted in loving you, and wanting to look after you, and yes it's a pain, but it beats being ignored and unloved!
Been there,seen it, done it, got the t-shirt!!!!! When i was 13 - 17 yrs old, i hated my parents!!!!!!!!! I thought they were horrable and favoured my brother over me. Well, now im 23 and i love them to bits. When you get a bit older you will look back, and realise that they are only doing what is best for you, and you will respect them for it.
Try to see things from their point of view, then yours and see where you can meet in the middle. Its not always about control and winning, sometimes its down to boring things like money, time, safety and not regretting something later.
Well done, Pink! You're grown up enough to ask for help. That is so sensible.
The others have all given you great advice so I don't need to repeat it. Just remember not to let it get so bad that you (or they, for that matter) do or say something that will damage the relationship forever.
i think all the above have summed it up - we all hated our parents for being - well, just our parents. I read a card once that said " When I was 19 I was appaled at how stupid my parents were - when I was 25 I was amazed at how much they had learnt over the last 6 years" Think that sums it up!

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