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froggo | 13:23 Thu 22nd Jun 2006 | Science
13 Answers
is smoking really bad for you


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People who smoke and don't wish to give up will always cite their granny / auntie / dustman who smoked sixty a day and lived to be a hundred-and-fity-eight and still danced on tables to George Formby records and had his own hair and teeth.

The inescapable fact is that cigarettes are the only legal over-the-counter purchase you can make that, when used for their deigned purpose, will kill you.

Search the web, or just ask any doctor, the evidence is overwhelming.

Apart from that, it's hidiously expensive, makes you and your clothes smell, and frankly looks rather silly - like a baby sucking a dummy.
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then why do people get cancer when they have never smoked in their lives
There are many kinds of cancer not related to smoking. Smokers mainly get lung cancer but it is possible to get it without being a smoker. Roy Castle for example beleived he got it through passive smoking in the clubs and pubs he played in.

Aside from cancer there are a lot of other reasons why it's bad. heart desease, emphasyma (spell??) etc.

Not only that it makes you stink and costs a lot of dosh, most of which goes to Gordon to splurge.
but it's only modern cigarettes that are harmful. Up until �50 years? ago cigarettes were actually good for you. Even the doctors said so!! ;-)
ugly_bob, was that a joke? cigarettes have always been bad, the doctors back then were wrong.

To answer the question YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Froggo, in answer to your question - yes it is. But you're probably asking the wrong question, the more appropriate question would be "Despite the dangers, is smoking big, cool and 'hard'?" and yes it is all these things also. Like just about everything that is cool (driving a ferrari REALLY fast / scr*wing your best mates mum etc) it also has its inherrant dangers - us dedicated smokers have weighed these up and considered that the fun involved outweighs the risk. We may well justify this by citing Great Aunt Bessie who lived to 104 on a diet of Guiness and untipped Woodbines but don't we all rationalise those things we're convinced are bad for us so that we feel a little better about ignoring all the evidence? Also remember that we fund a huge part of the NHS, without us you could forget all dreams of a replacement hip in your dotage - think on!!
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also a little of what you like does you good eh!
Smoking is big, cool and hard? Go ahead and try convincing me again when you are 60 and suffering from emphysema, lung cancer etc. Trouble is, the likes of me end up paying for the likes of you.
No, it's not bad for you, and yes, it's really cool. So - take up smoking NOW!

Then you can be just like me -
desperate to go out 'for a fag' at lunchtime whilst at work;

slight wheeze in you breath every now and then;

even the common cold plays havoc on your chest;

yellow-tinged fingers despite scrubbing (though I do smoke roll-ups);

general regret at having started the habit in the first place, and despite having the intention of not smoking "beyod the age of 25", still smoking 15 years later.

Yeah, go on, give it a try - it's well coo...ough...cough...ool,
Yeah, smoking is really bad for a lot of reasons.

It causes emphesema, can cause angina and other heart problems and it has carcinogens in it. It's also addictive which makes it even more dangerous.

There are so many bad things about smoking, not just medical problems, but social stuff as well; it does nasty things to your teeth and breath and turns your fingers yellow. Smoking's just generally unpleasant.
Both of my neighbours smoke, but unfortunately, there is no sign of either of them dying or becoming seriously ill.
what a stupid dumbass question
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