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Left Handed

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smudge | 22:02 Sat 25th Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
13 Answers

I'm left handed & have been teaching our 6 year old Granddaughter who is right handed, to knit today. She has picked it up quite well so far, but wondering if it's best for her to be taught by a right handed person?

Has anyone else who is right handed, been taught to knit by someone who is left handed & did it hinder their knitting techniques later on?



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I think you are probably correct it is going to be hard for her later on .... I am left handed but I was taught knitting right handed and I have always been glad that I was ....
Hi Smudge
Hard to say ...I am right handed but was taught by my Grandmother who was left handed. She sat opposite me I seem to remember,so I was looking at it in reverse ..if you get my drift ! It hasn't affected the way I knit ..once your grandaughter has the basics she will be fine I should think.
You could try continental knitting which is quicker than our method but you have to be careful to get an even tension. It is suitable for both right and left handed knitters.
If you can get hold of an old Patons woolcraft book (often for sale on Ebay) this will explain the technique.
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Thank you for your very helpful replies lady & shaney.

This is really embarrassing, but thinking back, my right handed Mum taught me to knit when I was 9 years old & after looking on this website, it looks as though I might have been knitting right handed all along.

I hold the knitted stitches in my left hand & the empty working needle in my right. Is this how you right handed knitters knit?

I'd be so happy to find that I am a right handed knitter after all, as I taught our eldest daughter who is also left handed how to knit.

The joys of being Cack Handed eh?!

This is exactly how I knit being right handed. So you are a right handed knitter after all ! I just used to look at my nan and copy what she did. It's a bit like riding a bike something you never forget once taught.
I used to knit scarves for my teddy bear and progressed to simple dolls clothes. By the time I was about twelve I could knit a jumper.Learning to read a pattern is also important . I think it's a great thing for children to learn. I'm glad I did as it has been a lifelong hobby .Also now there are so many lovely fashion yarns and gorgeous patterns around.
I don't do much complicated stuff these days because of the arthritis in my hands .I used to love Aran knitting. I stick to stuff like socks .(which you can knit on two needles)hats,scarves etc. and things for my hippy niece !
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Yippee & thank you for getting back to me Shaney - you've made my day - 'specially finding that I am a right handed knitter after all!

The more I thought of my dear old Mum teaching me to knit, the penny started to drop, which made me look on the internet. I'd tried phoning my sister to ask her, but she's out for the day.

I've never been a brilliant knitter, just scarves & plain jumpers, using double knit or chunky wool. I've found it quite therapeutic in the past & now I've got two more Granddaughters to teach, I thought I'd better get it right for them!

I bet you've made some lovely things Shaney, but I'm sorry to hear about you're athritis, it must be a real nuisance for you at times. Hope you're not in too much pain at the moment, 'specially in this cold weather. Take care & thank you again.

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Please explain to me why these answers were reported. I must be missing something.
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Not sure what you mean Lakeslass?

If any of these posts have been reported, I can only assume that it's by a sick lonely person with nothing better to do!

My nan is left handed and taught me to knit when I was a child and it was fine - if memory serves me correct there was many a toy who had a slightly dodgy scarf(always got bored so ended up doing the same small thing!)
ps, I'm right handed!
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Thank you nuoyg - as you will see above, I've now found out that although I'm left handed, my Mum taught me how to knit right handed & I'm really pleased about that. It'll just make it a lot easier when our Granddaughters want to follow knitting patterns in the future.

Ah bless, I'm sure your toys liked their dodgy scarves - sounds just like mine!!!!

I know you have it sorted now but just wanted to say. My Mum is left handed but knits right handed as well. I think that she was taught at school using 4 double ended pins!!
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Thank you for that jas. It's quite an achievement for us cack handers to knit right handed! :o}

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