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advise on updating kitchen cupboards without spending a lot?

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invisibleLL | 13:09 Fri 22nd Jul 2011 | Home & Garden
9 Answers

I am looking to see my flat and although my kitchen units are solid wood, they have a dark varnish and look dated.

The estate agent told me not to put a new kitchen in as in his experience, people want to do their own.

I want my kitchen to look more appealing but without spending a lot and being too much hassle. Is it just possible to sand the dark varnish off and then revarnish in a much lighter colour?

any other suggestions would be grately appreciated.



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If they are solid wood then you should easily be able to give them a revamp. Personally I would paint them white or cream as it's pretty neutral and would suit most peoples tastes. Just give them a bit of a rub down with sandpaper to give a good surface for the paint to key to. A coat of primer the a couple of coats of gloss should do it.
will take forever to sand them....might be worth getting a quote to hve them taken off, professionally stripped and replaced then just use a clear wax or I'd go for the paint option too but possibly using a distressed paint finish to give a cottage feel if that is the style. think about changing handles too for something quirky like the knife fork spoon designs as you normally only get them with expensive kitchens gives the idea the seller will be getting something a bit more upmarket ans look at your kitchen lighting another relatively cheap way of upgrading. clear all the worktops apart from a nice bowl of fresh fruit and some stylish canisters think of staging it like a magazine picture
I just changed the doors with B.Q's special offer doors, they were approx £7 each which is ideal if You'r carcuss's are white or cream and the correct size..
I usually paint them as Rattgirl has said. Stripping would be a great idea but I can't help thinking the process would cause the doors to fall apart.
Just lightly rub down........... or wipe with a cloth and use a primer that can be used on plastic/acrylic finishes ..... such as .......... (I'm always linking this one, and I don't have shares) .................
and if you paint use a good quality gloss roller when we did it it looked great no brushmarks ...
If you want to go one step further you could look into putting a granite worktop on top of the existing one - there are companies who will clad the existing one. Costs a lot less and it looks quite good.
It was a few years back now but there used to be a specific product made by ronseal I thin for revamping kitchen cabinet doors to a natural looing finish. I suggest you visit a big DIY store and see if you can get some ideas just by window shopping.
I covered ours in Fablon Plus. Was bit tricky to put on but the finish was really good and it can be scrubbed and washed so keeping clean is easy. It doesn't mark and is hardwearing. Maybe worth a look if you don't fancy painting them.
I used a primer and 'cupboard door paint' from B&Q on- the primer was specially for this sort of job. What seems to help is a light sanding to key the surface but especially washing down and air-drying to make sure all grease particles are removed. Apply primer and top coats thinly and allow plenty of drying time between coats.
You say 'revarnish in a lighter colour', which suggests you're looking for a wood finish. The wood is what it is - sometimes people suggest painting bleach onto exposed wood to lighten it but its not going to work well, so make your mind up to have a subtle washed or solid white / cream, with the assurance that anyone who doesn't like this finish can either replace the doors or strip them back.

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