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Old fashioned Miniature roses?

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woofgang | 17:31 Sat 28th Apr 2012 | Gardening
12 Answers
Bit of a longshot but I have great faith in the AB.
I am reviving the lost gardening art of making miniature gardens. Its not bonsai, you use naturally miniature plants to create real growing gardens that are scaled down.
You can google Anne Ashbury and John Constable to see the kind of thing that I mean.
The dwarf conifers and other tree species are still available to buy, as are some of the ground cover plants but old fashioned miniature roses with small leaves and flowers seem to have vanished from the market. Plants that are now called miniature are actually patio roses, compact plants but with normal sized flowers and leaves.

the other thing i am looking for is called viola Yakushima or yakushimana, maybe the fen violet. It is a true miniature violet, the flowers are about the size of a sequin or matchhead

All suggestions most welcome


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A miniature rose with small flowers is 'Fairy'
Question Author
thank you cocinelle but they are actually still quite big, 40 cm tall by a m wide. I am looking for something more compact and probably only about 20 cm tall. yes you can prune them but then you don't get loads of flowers.
To put it into context, I have some trees already. the jasmine is about 24 cm and the elm about 35 cm.
You might have to look at the micro miniature roses for example Hi is 4 inches high.
Question Author
any idea who stocks them in the UK please? I have the name of loads of tiny varieties, can't find stockists
Can't find anything on the net; you could go along to your local gardening centre and ask if they could order them.
I don't know Woof, sorry... He's on holiday this week so I wont be able to contact him either =s

Have you tired phoning local landscapers/garden centres to see if they have any ideas?
I though miniature roses all grew to normal size when put in the ground.

I was given a pot of miniature roses a couple of years ago and then planted them in the garden and now they are 4ft in height.
I have a miniature rose which I've had for almost 30 years and love it (don't know the name of it tho). However, for a couple of years now it has started to grow into a larger bush and for the life of me I do not know why. I love miniature roses but now wonder what has happened for it to flourish as it is after all these years and grow bigger. I do hope you get what you are looking for woofgang as I too love the miniature plants and trees and I'm sure someone will be able to point you in the right direction. Best of luck.
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Roses can be kept small in pots by letting them get potbound and use of chemicals, also by rooting shoots with buds in. True miniature never grow taller and the flowers are tiny.
Question Author
brilliant start thank you craft.
The flowers on mine are still tiny, it's the bush that has grown to about 10 inches now.

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Old fashioned Miniature roses?

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