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Sent off for my ID...

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Sean178 | 23:08 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
I sent off for my ID last week to receive it before my 18th birthday on the 22nd. I received it today but they have done my date of birth on it wrong, they have added two years onto it making me 19. I still want to go out on my birthday but dont really want to send the ID back to get it changed until after my birthday. I do not look 19 but should the card be ok to use?

The form of ID is a provisional license.


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should be fine
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If this is a driving licence using it knowing the details are incorrect is illegal. It makes any insurance etc invalid and will affect your future ability to get car insurance (difficult enough for people of your age) . Don't cut corners, get it changed asap. it's not worht the hassle if you get caught.
i woudl use it for your birthday then return it to be amended...1 year is hardly going to raise suspicion is it...?
If it has your photo on it,its only a year out and you are only using it to prove age in a pub/club then i can`t see anyone querying it ( just practice reciting the year stated on the id incase you are asked ) then send it straight back to be ammended once you have had your birthday celebrations. Happy birthday, have a good night :-)
I can't see what the problem is. You're going out when you are 18. Have a good night
Also be aware that bars aren't obliged to accept a provisional license as a form of ID - you might be asked for your passport instead.

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Sent off for my ID...

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