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Soya Milk

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Pupsterdad | 17:49 Mon 21st Jun 2004 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Is soya milk bad for babies ?


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It's not that it's bad, just that it lacks the necessary vitamins and calcium that come from real milk. My youngest daughter is lactose intolerant, something we discovered when she was two months old. Instead of milk, she was fed with a mixture of liquidised chicken, mixed with appropriate vitamins and minerals that she was missing from milk. Once on solids, she obtained those from other sources, and has remained a soya drinker to this day - she's fifteen now, and she is perfectly healthy. I would not give a baby soya milk from chjoice, only from necessity
It would be if they were allergic to soy beans, as are many people. I would never feed a baby cow's milk. Andy, soy milk lacks calcium, real milk?
I've been told by a friend whose small son is lactose intolerant that she was told by her health visitor, not to give soya milk to her son when he was a baby because the phytoestrogens could affect his normal male development. On this basis, not sure how old a boy can be before being given soya milk
I breast fed my daughter for the first year and was told by a consultant paediatrician that the live whey protein in milk or anything with milk in it as this triggers or encourages allergies later on in life. My daughter didnt have any cows milk until she was 2 and half and as for lack of protein infasoy (in a yellow tin) has all the nutrients a baby needs and is better than cows milk which don't forget has all those chemicals which make the cow produce more milk in it. If you cant give breast milk soya milk is the best especially if you have allergies in the family like asthma, ecezma or hayfever. Ps I steer clear of milk at 38 and my asthma has much improved when I went on a milk free diet. meia x
ps:sorry that was meant to read lack of calcium, soya milk for babies has the recommended calcium intake just read the label on the side of the tin ok meia .

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