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dragon fruit - what the hell do i do with it?

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kazza12345 | 07:41 Tue 20th Jun 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
mr kazza came home from tesco yesterday with a dragon fruit - i've never heard of or seen one before. Hoe do i prepare/eat it? How do i know when it's ripe? does it taste like any other fruit - ps at nearly 2 pounds for 1 fruit he's not going to be allowed shopping on his own again!


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hey kazza,

i am curious about this fruit myself. hope this site p://
answers you questions. let me know your opinion of it when to eat it. i have not seen it in the shops by me but i'm definately going to try it if i ever find it.
I also was curious about this fruit - have never heard of it but alway keen to try new things, but couldn't get through to the web link. Hope it's not the same fruit which smells like rotting flesh when rip and which I believe some far east airlines have banned their customers from taking on board. Or is the Durian fruit?
Hi kaz - dragon fruit is another tropical fruit - flavours is a bit like kiwi. Comes off a cactus. White flesh with black seeds

Don't eat the skin - scoop out the flesh into a sorbet or add to fruit salads, or slice the fruit then peel and serve the slices - best eaten with something witha stronger flavour to be honest - can be a bit watery and 'thin' in taste.

Add to ceareals with honey for a posh breakfast. Dress up a salad with them. Add to fruit cocktails or place slices or 'triangles' over the side of cocktail drinks. Make jam with it. Looks nice with red berries on a plate - use as a garnish.

Dragon fruit can have a bit of a smell, but the airlines have banned Durian Fruit - big no-no unless you really are accustomed to them . .
I had this on a flight from Bangkok, it tasted like a kiwi but with less flavour.
just cut in half ,from top to bottom , then take a spoon each and eat it scooping out the flesh . they have a really delicious although mild flavour, they always remind me of the exotic fruit they have on star trek which they beamed up from voltair 7 !!!

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