Grumpy question time - opinion please: Youngs Seafood have introduced Basa fish to the UK and flog it with a spiced coating - ?2.99 for 275 g or so - wih 30% of the product being the coating, its' not...
Hi E - your comment re other foody info - here's a couple for the bobble hat brigade - hope some is of use: Strawberries - are not berries- neither are blackberries, raspberries and the like... Do you...
Reply to your squirrel query - try: And start on the zebra, python, ants, locusts, eland, wildebeast etc. Oh and give the worm crisps a go..... You don't really call pigeon...
In the food news today... '...In the Netherlands, the MRSA strain has been found in 20 per cent of pork, 21 per cent of chicken and 3 per cent of beef on sale to the public, the UK's Soil Association...
Hi to n00dles, WendyS, mcfluff - and everyone else I missed thanking before - thanks again for the nice thoughts and comments. Glad to have helped in the past. And the question is - will everyone be...
In case its not been described:- I put this in mycats Q further down, but TAGS are the name given to the way to make the text appear bold, italic or underlined. FAQs give 3 choices: Typing < B >...
Hi JW - not employed by the washing bolls guys! (re your ? in earlier post) but troll through this - relevant wherever there is water (so no peeking, south of England tee hee )...
Following the unfortunate outcome of the eagles nesting that so many people tuned into, in case you aren't aware, the new camera is now online to view a nest with chicks.:...
Hi waimarie - if you want to get a few dozen cases of the Barolo, the advice from site for the 2000 vintage from Lidl is 'hold' and their vintage chart is at 97% for the 2000 - as...
Hi B/pod - the chemists HH use is part of a group. Site at: and check if branch in your area. Happy shopping
Hi Bellasasha - chuffed to hear you make it to the market - if you are around this Saturday, stop by at The Crisp Hut in the middle of the market opp. the Reivers Hog Roast and say hi - I'm there...
Would any ABer who wants to see the end of the seal cull in Canada who can spare a moment complete the online petition to send it to support the efforts of those trying finish this:...
Can there be an Adults section with an 18+ verified access for topics of a sexual health or relationship? In the light of some of the more recent posts, I'm sure that the B&S section - which is a...
Hi all. I am the only one who keeps getting a full page advert - not even a pop up advert - from Wanandoo filling the screen without clicking on the advert? I'm getting really fed up with this. I...