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Meringues And Sugar Substitute

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rockyracoon | 16:57 Mon 02nd Jun 2014 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
Has anyone ever tried making them with Canderel or the like, does it work? I know websites say that you can but I'd really like someone to tell me they've tried it.

Many thanks :)


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Oh come on! No one? :)
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Thanks Chris

I think I'll give it a whirl myself to see what they turn out like :)
I'd think sugar would be necessary or a meringue ?
never tried it and never would, i think sugar substitutes are wrong although i love a good meringoo, my mum makes an ace pavlova

there you go some helpful advice :-)

(did you get netflicks btw, they have season 2 of orange is the new black starting next week0
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I'm a bit of a fence sitter with this sugar substitute malarky but my dad loves pavs and he's diabetic.

No, not got Netflix yet as really want it on the telly rather than hooking up a pc, still considering if it's worth buying the device that Dave suggested on the thread. I'm very slow getting my arse into gear with anything like this. My son keeps screaming at me to get fibre broadband and I keep saying "yeah, yeah, tomorrow"
I haven't used it for meringues and thought that today's thinking was to not use alternatives for diabetics.

What about using soft brown sugar instead of refined white? It makes a really delicious meringue.
^^^ what Eccles said.

I make one with soft brown sugar and coffee and its lush!
Question Author
Really, I didn't know about diabetics not using alternatives :(

Never tried it with soft brown sugar so I'll give it a go.

Thanks ladies :)

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