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Fish - Love Or Loathe?

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EcclesCake | 16:02 Mon 02nd Jun 2014 | Food & Drink
60 Answers
Inspired by another thread I am interested to know why so many people dislike fish and seafood?

Many people I know are deterred by a fear or bones, some by the smell others are scared of preparing/cooking it.

I would love to eat more fish but getting access to fresh fish is a considerable effort as I don't have a local fishmonger or touring fish van.

So, do you opt for fish or fowl?


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i love fish & i love meat, which i prefer depends where i am and who's cooking
I love it. I love most seafood.

I do hate bones though and would rather fillets but that still wouldn't put me off.
I do enjoy fish but get a bit intimidated at the fresh counter in our Tesco, I'm not confidinent in the assistants knowledge either.

Another downside is that I'm always starving after a fish dinner, it just feels so empty, unless it's cod in batter from the chippy of course :)
Both for me Eccles. Fresh fish is a problem in the Midlands but Morrisons' fish isn't too bad. Not keen on Salmon but love Cod, Haddock, sea Bass, trout and most shellfish, lobster being my favourite.
I love fish and often do it for tea with new potatoes and sweetcorn, but it's already prepared and I just have to heat it up !
I really, really love Birds Eye's Cod in Butter Sauce :)

Not mad on most seafood, the smell and look of it makes me feel sick, though I do like prawns and scallops a lot.
nope not for me yet my mum would eat fish everyday
I am the same as HM the Queen, in that "one does not eat seafood".
Probably because they have had a very bony piece of fish, or it hasn't been cooked properly. I presume you haven't got an allergy to it, which is another thing altogether.

Fish is very good for you. You could do a lot worse than to pick up some fish fillets which shouldn't have bone in them, and just grill them with a little butter for a few minutes each side.

Move on to seafood when you feel ready.
Fish fingers, fish cakes, shrimps, prawns and fish from the chippy is ok, all the rest not ok.
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You've just made me shudder Rocky. Cod in butter/parsley sauce makes me think of the 70's and school dinners.

I would really like to eat more fish but have a strange aversion to most fish from supermarkets.
Fish, love it.
Love it, especially meaty fish such as swordfish.
There was a programme recently saying it's best to buy frozen fish. Supermarket fish is not as fresh as you'd think.

We have no fish mongers here either. Such a shame...we used to have a massive fish market which is now a bus station.
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Sorry spannerfiend but pretty much the only thing that gets grilled in this house is cheese on toast. Grilling fish on a most domestic grills is sacrilege IMHO.
How do you cook it Eccles?

I fry fillets and bake whole fish.
Haha, I absolutely love them with mashed potatoes.
Oh I forgot Halibut...Love it... When we were in Portknockie we used to go to the Dock every other day and buy it, it was the best fish ever
I LOVE fresh fish. Unfortunately we eat rather less than I would like because of the problems of sourcing it FRESH. When I used to work in Lowestoft and Yarmouth it was no problem cos there was a brilliant fish mongers there where I could pick it up just landed.

I do make the odd trip to Loch Fyne just up the road, but it is very very expensive. Morrisons is not too bad and I can often pick up a monkfish tail from there, but I'm a bit particular about my fish.

The best I can do is buy frozen which I tend to stick in a fish pie unless I happen to be somewhere where I can get it really fresh (and the car has a fridge in it which makes it OH so easy).

I will admit to loving cod in parsley sauce with tomato ketchup. I know this is wrong, so so wrong but hey...... ;)
If the kids want fish goujons I fry it, anything else usually goes in the oven with the exception of smoked mackerel fillets, they go under the grill.

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