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Rare Roast Beef

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Tilly2 | 21:00 Sat 23rd Mar 2013 | Food & Drink
30 Answers
I have bought a lovely piece of topside from the butcher's today for tomorrow's dinner. It's around three pound in weight, £12.00 in money.

We like rare roast beef but my cooking of beef is a bit hit and miss. Sometimes I get it just right, other times I overcook it, in my opinion.
So are there any foolproof suggestions for producing a tender, yet blood red piece of meat?

Also, it has a net on it. Shall I remove the net before I cook it or leave it on?


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Use a meat thermometer and push it into the thickest part of the beef.

60°C/140° F - rare
I start mine off in a very hot oven (220) for the first 30 mins and then turn it down to 190. For rare beef I cook it for 12 mins per pound
Remember it must rest when it comes out of the oven - loosely wrap it in foil and leave for 20 mins
leave the net on till its cooked or it will fall apart.
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Mrs.o, If it's a three pound joint, does that mean 30 minutes at 220 and 6 minutes at 190?
sorry, I forgot to say you need to cook it for 12 mins per pound plus 12 mins.

This means you stick it in the oven for 48 mins in total - 30 mins at 220 and18 mins at 190

Keep the net on
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Thank you.
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mrs_o, I've just put my beef in the oven. I'm following your instructions. I'm expecting, tasty, tender and dark red, with lovely crust outside bits.

You have a reputation at stake here!
Tilly, invest in a thermometer, they are a god send.
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I do have a thermometer, ummmm.

I just needed some help with what temperature to start it off at. Some sources say 190, some 200, some 180. I was looking for some practical suggestions from people who can cook rare beef successfully.
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My oven was full of hot greasy smoke. I had to open the windows and doors to stop the smoke alarm going off!
Doesn't sound like it's gonna be rare then Tilly.
Tilly, Umm meant a meat thermometer.....
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I followed mrs_o's instructions. It was the 30 minutes at 220 that did it!
Yes, I did. I thought that would be obvious on a meat cooking thread :-)
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I know she meant a meat thermometer, eccles.
How did it turn out?
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It was lovely and rare on the thick side but because it was a triangular shape the other end was medium. However, it was lovely and tender and tasty kitchen was a smoggy, smelly, roastmeat smelling haze. The amount of smoke produced was very stressful. I had the fire extinguisher on hold. Just in case.
You can afford beef? I've always said schoolteachers are paid too much, lo!
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It's a rarity, cupid. Usually it's lamb! kitchen was a smoggy, smelly..

well, try making a sandwich in ours tilly ;)

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