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Care homes

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ummmm | 10:42 Mon 23rd Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
What makes these vile people treat the elderly like this. He's been imprisoned for 18 months. If he done that to grand parents......!!!


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I think that's a very naive view Hulagirl.
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Ummmm, it's shocking how any human being could treat another like that. Particularly those in greater need of assitance. Have to wonder how much more of this goes on that isn't seen.
Hula - you can't compare the lives we lead to those of third world countries. It simply isn't comparible and it's insulting to those people who have had no option but to put their trust in others to care for relatives.

There are also plenty of care workers who do a fantastic job. Many of them users of this site.
Not an easy option...often its because modern homes don't have enough room to give an elderly relative the space... or because there is notime in peopleds lives to provide care,,,, it was common when wonen didn't work to have granny staying with the family.. Also people live so much longer by the time they are in need of care their children are quite old themselves. The other thing to consider is the time lived in an elderly dependant state... years ago a frail elder would have died of something like pneumonia relatively early now with antibiotics the can go on much longer... becoming increasingly demanding in terms of finances and resources. Worlds of difference between taking on ther care of someone likely to die within 5 years and someone who might live another 20 with good care. I'm not saying it is right I am just saying things have changed..expectations are different and society adapts
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Sometimes it's for their own safety.

Even though my gramps desperately wanted her to stay home. Her dementia was too advanced. He's now in a nursing home. He's very happy. They get daily visits.

I look in the guest's mainly my family. My grand parents have not been put in a care home and forgotten about. They are dearly loved by their children, grand children and great grand children.

Other members of the home get no visitors. That's really sad. My Mum is brilliant....she sits and chats to all of them.

Treat others how you want to be treated......anyone laid a hand on my grand parents...!!!!!!!!
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I agree with Ummm you can still maintain a loving caring relationship when someone is in acare home and there are a lot of good homes where the residents are stimulated and can have a good life...
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My Nans room is covered in her 'artwork'

Bless, she's crap at art....but she doesn't know that!! :-)
LOL, ummmm you could maybe call it 'New Wave Pop Art' and flog some of it on ebay.
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Tony...that's a fantastic idea :-)
I'm slightly torn between the two points of view here. Fore sure a lot of people NEED to be in a care or nursing home because they are suffering from advanced dementia and it's not safe for them not to be or they need expert nursing. However a lot of people simply don't need to be and are relegated there by families for whom they have become an inconvenience. the point about houses being too small etc to take in an elderly relative etc now really don't stand much of a test to me, but it depends very much on what you are like as a family. If you are close and have been brought up to think people matter more than money or careers then I think you will probably go to the ends of the earth to make sure you're loved one isn't stuck there without need, if you have been brought up to think a career, money etc are more important you won't. Now that is not to denigrate in any way anyone who has got theitr parent's in a home because each individual case is different, but I would personally die before I put a relative of mine in one unless THEY really needed it. I think by and large we're too resigned to it being ' normal' to offload the elderly now and that ought to change, because imho it's seldom the right thing to do unless the person requires special nursing .

\\\ if you have been brought up to think a career, money etc are more important you won't.\\\

and there lies the rub, in that one doesn't have to be brought up to think that wealth and career is more important than the welfare of your parents one may develop that attitude because of socio-economic reasons or just the desire to "get on" in the world.

Over the past 30 years or so we have seen the" emancipation" of women and they want to follow their own careers, independent of their "other halves" and hence there is nobody at home to look after their aged parents.

Is that wrong?...............probably not.

On a personal note, i have made financial provisions for Mrs sqad and myself to go into a Nursing Home as my personal choice would not be to be looked after by the children.
Nearer the time I will be reaearching care facilities while I still can in case I need them as I am likely to be a sole survivor with no family to become involved.
Putting aside the considerations of money,career,etc-there are other variables such as how many family members would be 'hands on' carers,the physical ability to care....more than one person is needed to safely lift or move someone who is frail,or overweight. If the one needing care needs everything done for them,it becomes a full time job to wash,feed,toilet,wash feed, toilet throughout a 24 hour period.
There is nothing wrong with, as a society, deciding that a caring home is the best place for elderly relatives to get the help they need. The problem is that time and again we seem to have uncaring people, totally unsuited to the job they are employed to do, taking up roles in the industry. Something is wrong when we don't weed them out.

Gawd only knows what goes through their minds. Maybe they don't intend getting old themselves one day and see nothing wrong with mistreating others. I'm sure those suffering from mental decline can be a trial, but that is the nature of a caring job, to cope and give help.

It's a bit late when a problem has been uncovered by those outside the industry for sackings to occur, this should be caught in the interview and probation stage.
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Both my grand parents had to go into homes. Nan, a care home, grandad a nursing home. Grandad resisted for a long time. Social services were on his back for about a year. It was after 3 999 calls, him slipping into a coma, that he agreed to it.

He pays for both his, and my nans, care.

From what I've seen...the self funding patients get treated better.

NOX....I see it all the time. I read the visitors book. I will never fathom why people don't go and visit their parents. My gramps get daily vistits.

My Nan has advanced dementia...whenever she sees me she points and says 'I know you from somewhere'

'yes you do Nan....wanna a massive hug??'

Yes please...

Look after old people. I feel passionate about this subject.
I watched this and couldnt believe it, absolutely dreadful.

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