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ummmm | 08:58 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
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Like this...(copied from my history teachers wall)

<May I ask a personal favor? Only some of you will do it, and I'm fairly certain I know who you are. If you know someone who fought cancer and won, or fought cancer and passed away, or someone who is still fighting, please add this to your status for 1 hour as a mark of respect x X x>

What do they hope to achieve? Some days I don't want to be reminded about cancer....Or that people I love lost the fight. I also think that it's like a guilt trip. If you don't re-post it, you don't care.

Do you re-post them?


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Nope, I do send the chain letters if they are the tweeest things in the world, I send them to all my mates.

Fluffy has millions of them.

Great question btw bum x
09:05 Wed 28th Sep 2011
Nope. And I don't feel guilty about it either. They're a load of bulls testicles.
I'm not on facebook u.mmmm but this kind of posting always reminds me of the old chain letters so I ignore them. As you say, if you respond to them you are responding to a guilt trip. If I get any in my email box I just delete them.
i think it is a bit of self indulgent maudlin...
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They are. They make me angry...

If re-posting it would help find a cure...fair enough. All it's achieved today is to remind me that my Dad is dead.
I never ever re-post them. Like you say, I don't need be put on a guilt trip as if I don't care that anyone has cancer. Quite often you see at the end of them something like, 'I know my real friends will post this'.

I'm not sure changing your facebook status for an hour really counts as much of a mark of respect. I would suggest if they really want to respect it that much then they donate to one of the cancer charities.

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today.
I think messages like this are the modern equivalent of the old-fashioned 'chain-letters' and equally as pernicious......

Like China, I don't 'do' them and I don't feel guilty about it, either.
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I don't like these - as you say, it just reminds you of stuff that you don't always want to think about. I find them maudling and self indulgent. (I got really angry when my sister posted a birthday wish to my mother saying she hoped she was sitting down relaxing with her feet up on a cloud - bloody nonsense.)
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I post on Birthdays and anniversaries.

'What's on your mind'

But I'm sure the posts like in the OP are not on peoples minds when they wake up in the morning.
I think people start these off just to see how big they will go - do you remeber the pre-intenet one in the 90s about 'send a business card to....' again claiming that this was a sponsored thing to collect money for a child with cancer. It wasn't.
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I think people probably start them off with good intentions. Then a rake of people feel they HAVE to re-post them...thus making people like me angry...
I'm not on Facebook - but I get a lot of emails similar to that. I never pass them on - and I feel not a twinge of guilt.
haven;t had any good ones for ages trigs :-(

i ignore them usually
Had cancer, been there - done that - worn the t shirt - walked the walk - moved on.
Putting things on Facebook won't change things, but raising money for the charities will.
I'm not on Facebook but get loads of these as emails. They are just like the old chain letters which I used to tear up and throw away. We can remember our family and friends who have died - in a more loving way with our own memories and we can say a little prayer for others in the world who are suffering without resorting to these blackmail tactics.
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I think the difference with FB and email is you have a choice not to open the emails...
I find the posts (and posters) irritating - like sheep following the leader.

Emails that are 'chain letters' in drag annoy me too. There is usually some sob story that is nauseous and twee - and people just send them off to their friends. I like to check the facts to see if the stories are true (some are) and for some reason it makes me smile/happy/content to know that all those morons were duped.

I am in a grotty mood already and it is only lunch time. Not a good sign.
I found this and posted it to my status, these copy and paste things get on my wick "you know who your are" good Lord, are these people so far up their yabbies they can't see straight. Any hoo, here goes -

Please copy & paste this to your status if you are constantly being asked to copy & paste something to your status by friends who copy & paste things to their status. Many people won't copy & paste this but my true friends will copy & paste it because you know this was copied & pasted from a dear… friend in need of more crap to copy & paste. If you copy & paste nothing will happen, no cures will be found & nothing will be saved. Everybody is far too busy copying & pasting
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Lol Rocky...I'm going to copy and paste that :-)
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