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0% Card For Someone Else.

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malagabob | 08:15 Sat 08th Oct 2016 | Personal Finance
6 Answers
Would I be accepted for a 0% card, but transferring a balance from a card owned by someone else. For reasons not known they have been declined one of these cards. I am 100% sure they would pay me the monthly amount back, if this has crossed anyone's mind. TIA.


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DONT !!!.. and probably not in any case...
If you take a step back and ask why the card company won't give credit then ask why your painstakingly developed algorithms give a different rating on the person's reliability I think you'll arrive at the right answer.
I can't see why you can't do it. Just use your CC to pay off theirs.

It wouldn't be a wise move though...
Would you pay their balance for them and let them pay you back?

If not why not???

If so do that instead, then once its paid off they can start again and pay the balance each month avoiding intereest altogether.
Propably .. as long as you can get the card in the first place. About three years ago, a very close relative of mine thought they could manage and leave home and deal with the big wide world. 18 months later, there were a lot of tears and the admission they had run up £7k on credit cards.
I applied for a 0% card and paid all there debts off using it. The transfer fee was approx £210 and after that there were 25 months to clear the debt, and there was no monthly interest added, all the repayments went towards clearing the debt, not the interest.
So as long as you can trust the person involved, it shouldn't be an issue.

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