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Ppi Loan

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tamborine | 19:26 Wed 08th May 2013 | Business & Finance
11 Answers
I've been informed that my dec'd OH took out a joint loan with PPI payments. The cold caller know my OH's name but not mine. They say the joint loan was with me and want my name and details. If this is bona fide wouldn't they have my info ?

Do you think this is worth pursuing as they have told me the bank name & dates of loan but not the account number.


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You're right, if it was a joint loan they would know both parties' details, so they're lying. They have no right to your details. If they get them, it'll only increase the hassle they'll give you. Legally they have nothing on you at all, or on anybody else, but if they've lost a lot of money on this loan, they'll be trying lots of barely-legal things in the hope of getting something back. If it gets unpleasant, try your local Citizens' Advice Bureau.
Don't have anything to do with them. If the information is correct, then you can pursue it yourself. They would probably take 25% of anything owing to your husband's estate or you.
Just write to your lender and say that you believe that you were missold ppi. You will need to provide some information and probably fill out a complaint form; however you will need to do this with a claims management company (CMC). If you cannot remember the answers to some questions just say so

Good luck
DO NOT under any circumstances ever ! use a claims company to reclaim ppi !!!
They take a minimum 30% of the cash for themselves. All you have to do is write to the loan company with your name , address, date of birth and as much information as possible about the loan and ask for a refund of any ppi that was paid. The loan company MUST by law then do all the work for you and look for any loans you have had and any ppi paid.
All the companies that are offering to ppi it for you are 'shysters' all it takes is one letter from you to do it all.
I got over £4000 back earlier this year , it took just 1 letter to the loan company asking to reclaim any ppi I had paid an loans I had taken out with them. There is even a template letter on line that you can use and just fill it your details. Look for the 'Moneysaving Expert ' sit and down load the letter.
If I had been stupid enough to use a claim company they would have got over £1300 just for writing a letter !
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I didnt take out the loan nor have any info on it except the bank name given by the cold caller. Surely I would need my OHs account number before I could claim, and are banks obliged to supply the info considering my OH died 6y ago.
You have all you need, just write to the bank and tell them that you believe that joint loan or loans were taken out by your OH and ask for the ppi back as you were mis sold it. You do not need anything more , the bank has to do all the work for you.
The PPI claim company are just 'fishing' for business , they can not know if any particular person did or did not have a loan with any bank or company, that is confidential information. I have had dozens of such calls telling me I have a claim against companies I have never even heard of let alone used.
DO NOT fall for it , they are scamming you, you can do it yourself with just 1 letter.

Tambo - On this one, as Eddie says, don't even go near these scammers; you will hardly see a pound but you are entitled to return of ppi (there's another thread floating around this evening).

Write to the head office of the bank that the caller mentioned and ask if your OH took out a loan with them and paid ppi. They HAVE to look through their records and see if there was a loan and any ppi.
If your OH took out a joint loan you would have had to sign for it as well as him so you should know about it.
But even if he took out a loan/loans in his name only you can still reclaim the ppi if it was paid.
Here is the moneysaving expert site I mentioned , read it carefully
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Thanx all - I'll have a go and if I get enough you can all come down for free drinks in Eton :)
Put my name on a tia maria and coke

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