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dad seeying a woman half his age?!

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haycal2008 | 01:35 Sat 21st Jun 2008 | Relationships & Dating
104 Answers
We have just discovered our dad is seeying a woman half his age (he is 62 she is 31) from Kenya!

He has been there a few times alone over the last few months and has returned today for 5 weeks to spend wiv this woman. He had a gf of 16 yrs who he has told he is in love with this african beauty! She is heartbroken and cant belive whats happening, neither can we!!

Could she actually be with my dad cuz she loves him or is she just after his cash?! I mean why would she be interested in him, dads eldest daughter is older than she is! We are all just concerned about this woman who may be trying to fleece our dad, any help wouldbe appriciated x



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Leylandii - the grand total of impressions you create, from all that I've read of your posts in various guises, is that you are somewhat lonely and substitute company for engaging on here in a rather hostile fashion. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's sad. But, you are often offensive, and there is no need to be anything other than friendly and polite is there?
By all means, a bit of tongue in cheek humour allows the banter of a lavatorial insult, or sexual innuendo, but surely not a full frontal insult with no sensitivity shown whatsoever.
I'm sure many posters would like to befriend you, so why not be friendly?
I hope I have not just qualified for the dog poo through the letterbox trophy.
Petal sorry if you were misled by my different attire.

I thought that by my obvious bluster and gumption.

That could only have been me.

Sorry.but i me again .
I have no problem with a differing opinion. I have a problem with how you expressed yourself. All bluff and gumption as previously stated. You jumped right in, feet first so desperate to get your point across you didn't even stop to think. Hay was quite clearly expressing concern for her father but off you went on a money rant and didn't even stop to consider her concern for her father.

And if you did stop to think and that's the best way you can come up with to express yourself then even more fool you. Next time try and put your opinion forward without jumping down the throat of someone. It's a much more rewarding way to debate.
Not at all.Theland ive rarely conversed with you on here.Though i do recall 1 or maybe 2 ocassions where you did join with the crowd for a spot of bear baiting.That aside you strike me as pretty average guy , sometimes seeming intellectual but not overly nor imposing or boorish or may i say superior in your composure or attitude towards others.

Sadly i am more of a speak as i see guy.A spade is a spade guy.Some prefer the sugar coated version i prefer to be straight and honest.

Its the old dilemma.
When getting fcuked would you ratjher just get it over with?
Or do you like the song , the dance the endless flirtatious comments followd by a few nice words.When inevitably the end result is no different.

Do yuo see what i mean ?
Im sorry what did she mean by "trying to fleece our dad".
I assumed it was a reference to a possible attempt to gain finances from the dad .Rather than get a sheepskin.

Maybe it stood out to me more than you?Maybe ive seen more mercanery peoplel than you?
Maybe ive seen more folk at funerals picking over the reamains of the estate when they cared not a jot for the person whod paseed?
Maybe thats happened in my family and i just didnt choose to tell you and everyone?And maybe YOU jumped in all bluff and gumption?Instead of asking m ewhy i felt the way i did or said what i did?

Maybe we will never know/
But i am intellligent enough not to make assumptions after reading text on a screen about someone ive never met.And never will.

That is indeed jumping in , wouldnt you agree?
No, I don't see what you mean.
I think you are easy to offend, or that is the perception, whether or not you are actually offended is another matter.
I simply believe that you could be far more helpful, far more entertaining, and your contributions far more valuable if you would simply try to be a bit more friendly, and make the determined effort not to offend.
You have an obvious intellect and command of a wide vocabulary, and you could be so really interesting and totally popular if you simply chose it to be so.
Break the mold, and be different. Why not?
Nope. I think you're completely wrong and out of line and that you acted like an enraged bull, well as enraged as a pixel bull can be at any rate. That's my opinion and I'll be sticking it. Sleep well.
China all i know of you.
You like shoes .Harmlessflirting with users .Male , mainly over the age that you would actually date /go out with.
If im wrong tell me .

That aside i know nothing really.u got a sister.but i havent gon eto the legths nor would i to form a mental profile of you.
Asit seem syou hav eof me .Perhaps i dont care as much as you obviously do.

Theland not sure if tats a backhanded compliment or not.Am i intelligent/Well im often called the most stupid , boring user on here.Has my fascination with carryon films and the double entendres therein caused me to be a bad person?I think not.

Will i ever be taken seriously here?Never.
Therefore i will continue to wander the pathniv echosen.Dont mistake me for a fool , merely because i wear the clotehs of a jester.Do not mistake me for one who would hate women meerly beacuse i dont trumpet from the rooftops their undoubted beauty and ability to make a heart beat faster at the merest glance.Dont take me for someone dishonest , because honesty , truth , and loyalty are things i hold dear adn i am resolute in them.

Take me for what you want.Just dont assume you are right.
Is that a lot or even too much to ask?

I still satnd by a persons rightto be with or give their hatd earned cash , to whomever they want.Lets face it becasue someone has 20,000 pond its only because they saved use as they pleased .if theyd gambled it wold there be such concern/

And if i have indeed upset or annoyed anyone then i apologise .
Legend, no apology is necessary to me, because you have not offended me, and I certainly hope that I have not offended you.
I admire you for taking on the role of jester, as I try to myself quite often, with varying degrees of success.
I do not judge you for your views, which I presume, until proved otherwise, to be repsectful and honest, and given with integrity as far as you are concerned.
I simply think that it is a shame that instead of engaging people at the level of banter, you are in tonights example, not simply offering an opinion, but being dogmatic, and therefore putting people down.
The posts you received in response bear testimony to what I am asserting.
I do not wish to argue with you, and engage in mud slinging, which is so often the hallmark of some threads.
I do believe that you have it within your power, to use your undoubted skills, to raise the quality of of the threads that you engage in.
It is late and I am tired, so I hope that i have not offered a viewpoint that inadvertently could be misconstrued as offensive to you. That is not my intention.
When some people post one here, they may be fragile emotionally, and you could help them, entertain them, advise them, and be thanked by them, and enjoy yourself more into the bargain. What do you say?
I post honestly.I may be thought of by som eas sceptical on here.But thus bfar iv every little to show me that its not better to be sceptical on here.I am amazed at the armchair psychology that takes palce on cb .No doubt a byproduct of the jerry springer /jeremy kyle society we now live in.I am unable to change my style or my views.But i know these few wthings to b etrue.I am honest,trustworthy,and one of the most reliable peoeple you are likely to meet.Thta said i dont have tim efor fools or their friends.I take all your comments as you intended them.Sadly im sure if you perus ethe site you will find yourself in the minority.I will not bend or change my opinions to cow tow to those who want their own way.

My honesy is my strongest defence against their lies and deceit.

I respect you nformyour reply and hope that if i evr do post bsomething you find distasteful or wrong you will tell me directlyntheland

[email protected].

If not then i am thankful for a reasoned and articulate response from you , allied to noone but yourself.

thank you.
Excuse the typos but i do work a 11 hour day ,
Then I thank you for accepting my opinions in the spirit in which they were intended.
Forget the typos. You have my sympathy, for I too, until quite recently, worked shifts, 12 hours a day and night, and know what it is to feel drained.

And until next we meet.

Goodnight Steve.
stop theyll have u as my bf next ffs

im gladvu at least dbated

now fcuk offf eh?
Touchez! Goodnight.
i think you are all being really really really patronizing. You don't sound mature enough to be questioning your fathers judgement. like some naive angst ridden teen.if you are so concerned with age then pay attention to how much more experience your father has over you.

maybe he is tired and wants a bit of fun and rejuvenation. maybe he was un happy in his previous relationship, did you care to notice then?

of course you are right to worry about your fathers feelings but every relatioship is a risk and you have to truely get to know the person FREE OF PREJUDICE before you will come any were close to the kind of answers you are looking for.

i agree with leyenda did you listen to your father when he told you who to go out with or would you listen to someone 30 years younger than you for relationship advice.

do you even know what he is looking for in a relationship?
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Ello all justa quick update, dad was delayed 25 hours on his way to kenya and now they have lost his lugage. so he has 5 weeks there with no luggage!! he is not best pleased and has informed me that cracks between themare already starting to apear. She wants a visa!!! she has applied and its been declined as she doesnt work and couldnt support herself.

Sorry i started a debate on here going well into the night. I just wondered what other peoples opinions were and i certainly got my answer.

I love my dad so much and i'm genuinly concerned for him not because of his money, i couldnt care less, i dont have it now so i wont miss it! I have never been intrested in what i will get when he has gone and have always told him that i would rather have him than any money.

I dont like they way some people responded to my post as there was no need for such assumptions, it is so much to belive that i am concerned for him, and as for him being old enough to deal with it falling apart im sure he would but he is quite a loving and caring person so he would be hurt if she was just after a visa or his money!

I have never asked my dad for anything finacially, never had no money off him and i agree that is his money he earnt and saved it so its his to with as he chooses. If that includes going back to see this lady every few weeks and spending money on her thats upto him. Thats why i have always approched the situation with kindness and showed him that i will ALWAYS be there for him no matter what happens.
I'm 25 and my partners 59...we have been together for 5 years now. I think age gaps are ok if you are realistic about things at the end of the day. The only concern i have is that she's from Kenya (dont take that the wrong way).

The reason i say this is that a colleague i worked with got friendly with a girl from Kenya about 2 years ago after talking on the net. They were on the phone day and night...sending letters back and forth and it was costing loads. So anyway after about 6 months they decide she is going to come visit the UK with a view to staying if all goes well. He looks into getting a flight and it was really, really expensive.

At the time he was having loads of financial probs and us (his work colleagues) had to knock some sense into him that he just couldnt afford it at the time. He couldnt even afford to pay his mortgage.

So he called this girl up and said they would have to put her visit on hold for a few months. The next thing contact from her stops and when he does get hold of her he starts getting abuse. Obviously she just wanted the visa we think.

Don't give your dad a hard time but perhaps encourage him to make visits and have email contact a bit longer before getting serious.

If you give him a hard time and it is the real deal between them then you might end up pushing him away. Im sure thats not what you want to do because he's your dad after all. Best of luck.

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