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compound fracture tibia and fibula

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evedawn | 12:42 Sun 18th Apr 2010 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
anyone had any experience of this? a family member has badly broken both of these lower leg bones (compound fracture!!!) and now has rods etc. Only three days ago so still in hosp and in a lot of paily ...anyone else oiut there experienced this? want to know APPROX healing time etc. thanks


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I don't think there is enough detail to give a proper answer evedawn. What caused the break? How old is the family member concerned? Are the rods internal or external (or both). I don't think there is a set time for recovery of compound fractures as it would vary from case to case. I would imagine 6 weeks or more in plaster though.
I broke my leg with a simple fracture and I was in plaster for 6 weeks.
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he is young and fit (20 next week) I think the rods are internal. The dr is commiunicating with him (as he is an adult) but as he is in pain etc I dont know if he is taking it all in. . (he is my stepson and his dad and I are theonly family he has here in UK) THe dr mentioned it can take up to two years to heal????!!!! I HOPE tha they mean worst case scenario... They will take " a screw" ???? out in about 3 months though. I now every case is individual but really wondering if anyone out there has had this before. Need some aftercare tips and advice too as when he is home (he lives with us) his Dad and I work full time but need to be here to help him I am sure. Wodnering how long I need to take leave from work for etc. Thanks for answers so far
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PS - he isnt home yet - still in hosp
eve I am sure that when he is discharged he will be under the supervision of a physiotherapist and will have to go back to the hospital for check-ups - he shouldn't be discharged just like that, you will have leaflets etc. Although they won't be able to discuss the case with you, you could ring your GP and see if they will have a chat with you as what to expect, or go to your local Minor Injuries unit and see if they can give you any advice as to what might be expected.
If all goes well.....x-ray united within about 2-3 months. Weight bearing...around 12 months.

I f the bone does not unite in the above time, then one can double the above numbers.

He will also need physiotherapy.
Sorry, I have just read your question again.
I am not very good at understanding after care, so I will leave you to the others;-)
d'ter had same (horse fell on her). Pins will give good support & leg will be in plaster for 6w. Will need crutches; you can hire a wheel chair from Red cross. At home, put mattress on floor within easy reach of toilet. May need help bathing as plaster must remain dry. Will receive physio at hospital. Pain will ease in 2w. Leg will hurt in cold weather = long socks for warmth. Can be active again in 3m.
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thak you all - just feel so so so sorry for him. he is such an actrve young man and it is going to be so hard - I dont think he realises yet what a long slog he has. He has not yet been alowed off his bed (not even with crutches) I wodner how long it will be before someone (pohysio) will help him get to stand on the NON injured leg? Any ideas. tamborine - how long was your daughter in Hospital for? How soon were you able to leave her at home alone as well will need to go to work?
i very much disagree with 12 months before weight bearing (sorry squad,b ut even footballers who do this are back playing again quicker than that!)
I can't believe that a footballer who has had a fracture of his tibia and fibula with internal fixation is back playing under 12 months, however i stand to be corrected.

By weight bearing,I meant return to work, so I feel I should have been more specific and of course that depends upon whether or not it is sedentary or physical.

We are also assuming that bone union is by first intention and bone grafts are not required.

However you may well be correct.
Hi - sounds similar to when I had a complex trimalleolar fracture a couple of years ago ( though that was my ankle as well as both bones in leg)
If it is any help I was in hospital for 3 weeks( a long op to insert rods & pins and then a second op as the pins had all moved before the first op was completed) I did mine at the end of August and was in a non weight bearing plaster up until Nov - I basically had to lie with my ankle above my heart for weeks on end! By Christmas I could start to put my foot to the ground and was out of plaster and learning to walk again. The surgeon said that I could try and rush it and "abuse" my injury, but for the best long term senario I had to be really gentle with it until the bones had regrown. I opted to keep my plates and pins in (I wouldn't know they were there) as I didn't want anymore ops, apparently the bone grows through the gaps in the plate. Now 3 years on, you would never have known that I had wrecked it. - It took months for my injured leg to look like the other - it was like a skinny sparrow's leg and my bum fell off! - hadn't realised how much walking keeps your muscles in tone.
Hope he recovers well
kieron dyer?
Do not know details of the case but accept what you say.
he will be on crutches in a week & home. Keep him on ground floor - he cant manage stairs. He will fend for himself at home; leave biccys & pop to hand.,,,,,best not to coddle too much & leave him to cope - he'll heal quicker that way. He's a grown lad ! D'ter is SE so was back at work in wheel chair within month.

You're the one to be careful; lifting mattress, wheelchairs, fetching & carrying....take care.
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thank you to ALL OF YOU for answering. We just came back from hospital - he is just sleeping. Really doped up. but that is good cos his body needs to rest to heal huh? And he cant be bored whilst asleep. Anyone else with experience / knowledge of this just keep replies coming. THANKS

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compound fracture tibia and fibula

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