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deanosmrs | 19:55 Tue 17th Mar 2009 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Hi everyone,i used to come on this site about 2 years ago,but just reregistered.Anyways just want to know if anyone has tried/heard of the new pill to treat PMT.It absolutely dibilitates me every alternate month,the physical side of things i can cope with swelling tummy etc. but the psychological things!! had to come home today because of it.At the mo i take fluoxitine,this helps slightly,but not ideal.Anyone suggest anything.Or am i destined to random bonkersness till the menopause?


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No, never heard of it, but after I have my baby and restart the periods, I too will probably need this new pill.
What is the problem you have? You might not be taking the medication you need.
Hi Deanosmrs,

Try taking Krill Oil. Give it 3 months at least, but do try it :)

L. x
Yes I'm curious too to know what symptoms you have.

Have you seen the Ad for Anadin (think) where there's a roaring bear in the office and the woman passes the painkillers? Well that bear is me. I'm not in any pain but Jeez I can't even stand myself when when I have PMT. I should be locked up for the week as I bite people's heads off, I shout, I crash bang cupboard doors and just about everything else I touch and I'm just a royal pain in the arse. How my BF have put up with me for 14 years I don't know. I do warn him and he mostly stays out of my way.
I do find though that if I'm stressed it's even worse so I try to control my stress levels
Hi Deanosmrs,

Not heard anything about this pill but would be absolutely over the moon if its true! Iv been trying to find something that helps for years, believe me I know exactly how you feel and I dont even know what your symptoms are! Fluoxetine didnt do it for me unfortunately and I have tried all sorts of other things diet, herbs, exercise, CBT and although most of these helped a bit , by no means did they make it bearable. What does help however is knowing you`re not the only psycho in the village :) heres a couple of sites that helped me, amazing doctor in london that seems determined to find a "cure" loads of helpful advice although a bit overwhelming - depending on what time of the month it is!

I hope all this helps, let us know how you go, and more details of this pill please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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