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Most people have some sort of

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Lisa1983 | 18:18 Thu 29th May 2008 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
baggage in their life, don't they?


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yes! the older we get the more we aquire!!
2 Rutsacks, several boxes and three suitcases.
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me too China Doll, do you think we'll ever lighten the load? :(
A manbag.

It was a present.
yes, usually with my Sunday roast. Sorry...I thought you said cabbage.
yeah my handbag is as big as wee me
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lol cabbage. I hope it doesn't have the same result as sprouts!! ; )
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Only if I get rid of my shoes, cds and dvds and that's not very likely.
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rutsack ... "a stag's scrotum"
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rucksack ... "a rugby player's scrotum"
Blushes Bloody spelling
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lol, i meant in life!
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A little but I've been pronoucing it that way for about 28 years now!
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