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Best Health Practices. Its A Post That Will Effect Most People

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ukanonymous | 07:23 Fri 18th Dec 2020 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
I was just reading about black panther and things like this just really get me down. I want to change my habits now though to avoid issues in the future with health. So when it comes to avoiding cancer what are all your opinions about it? We always bicycle when the weather is nice and we are mainly vegan and we try eat lots of fruit etc.. we love biscuits and chocolate though for elevenses hehe. Also we eat a lot of chips from our air frier. Is there anything else we can be doing? My oh is 16 years older than me lol so this question is mainly for him. I was reading that alkalinising your body is good but I thought the body regulated by some sort of organ not by food. Any opinions would be brilliant thank you. Also sorry if this subject upsets people we have all lost someone dear to this terrible disease :(


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Having said I've never bothered what I eat, I do avoid chicken, fresh fish, curry and most take-away stuff. I don't think I do too bad, health-wise. Not been to the doctor for years and I never take any medication. None. Not even Brufen or Paracetemol. Am I lucky, or do I have the answer? What do you think? I think I already know the answer!
i don't eat much red meat, but tend towards chicken dishes. Don't take much exercise as i should, who knows what will happen in the future
What's wrong with taking beta-blockers? Is that another one to add to the list?
not sure what you mean prudie, what list
he took them so he wouldn't get so angry in meetings not for medical reasons.
Em you said "he did stupid things like take beta blockers before meeting". I don't understand what's stupid about it and your post reads to me that you think this contributed to your husband getting cancer (sorry for that by the way). The list is what you shouldn't eat or do as it has a risk of cancer - ie you think beta blockers give you cancer?
same way he would annually crash diet so he could pass the medical required at his work.
no i think his cancer was caused by multiple stresses, he had a very demanding job and used to take beta blockers so he would be more calm supposedly in these stessful situations. ~and a very poor diet of non stop meat, it wasn't till we got together that i persuaded im to eat fish as a way of helping his diet. No one knew about taking the blockers -
Prudie, emmie means that her husband recklessly took drugs that weren't prescribed for him for non-medical purposes to give an example of his attitude to his overall health.
no beta blockers don't give you cancer as far as i am aware.
perhaps my wording wasn't quite right
Ok, I'm not meaning to be argumentative, just reading the words and trying to understand Em's point. I'm not sure how we knew they were not prescribed, you can only get beta-blockers on prescription and I thought they were considered a reasonably safe medication. I didn't want people to worry that beta-blockers were stupid, I occasionally pop one myself. I'll leave it at that.
i have no idea to this day how he got them. He should have had a better diet for a start, that would have helped i think with digestion on balance, he used to smoke too, another high risk factor. His cancer was colon and then spread everywhere.
Trouble is for every 10 mr Emmies there will be one who does the same and lives to 95 and who people use as an example that looking after yourself doesn't matter, Until I met him Dave smoked, drank more than is recommended, thought a stir fry was chips ( well you stir them a bit when you fry them). It was too late the damage was done, but even then the consultant told me the changes we made gave him most of the years we had together. When he died he was 76 and had lived a very interesting life.
Mr Em should have retired when he had the chance, it might have given him a few years at least of peace and quiet to tend his garden, go walkbout up the Lakes districts, he plodded on with work because he thought that he was indespensible. wrong.
Type A personality Emmie, he wouldn't have enjoyed retirement he would have got involved in something where he could be just as important A local cause ... I had one of those once, could see him burning out but nothing could stop him, if he had tried to slow down he would have felt he might as well be dead. In fact he died in his first year after finishing work.
he worked until he couldn't the pain being too unbearable. None of his work colleagues knew how serious it was. I tried to get him to retire, but as i said he thought they couldn't do without him,
For stress, write fear. Anyone with a fear will suffer stress. I know, we all have fear at some point, but it's how you deal with it. I never felt stressed in any job I had. I did feel pressured, but I could handle the pressure without it turning into stress. This is difficult in these times, but I always asked myself what would I do if I lost my job today? I had an escape plan. I knew what I would I do. Perhaps the stress being referred to wasn't employment related, but I never felt pressure from anywhere in my life except at work.
When my husb was diagnosed I went all out on a health kick. I went vegan myself, (tried unsuccessfully with him lol), started reading all I cld about healthy living etc .... but I eve ty and to the conclusion that we need to live moderately and try be healthy but if cancer comes calling.... it’s gonna come anyway,

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