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I Love You

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sunchime | 08:27 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
How long were you with your partner before you said 'I love you'? Did they say it right back or did they wait and then tell you? I had been waiting weeks to tell my boyfriend, then I told him and the next day he said he loved me too but now I think he only said that because I said it.

Any comments welcome


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i never said i love to anyone before i met my current my boyfriend, becoz my previous relationship never lasted longer than 2 months, never had chance to say.
last year i went out with my bf, i think about a month, onenite, he was trying to say it, but took he 5 min to complete the sentence lol,what i can remember is, he said ermm, ermmmm, ermmm....... im ..... erm.... pretty sure.... i love you stuff.... ermm then 30 secs silence, i said ermmmmm. i love you to i think.

your bf may just shy? i was pretty shy, never thought saying it in first place.
I had a bit of a wirlwind romance with my now Hubby. Before then, I had never said I love you to anyone or had it said to me.

But one night (about 3 months in) we were havign a bit of a Tiff and he said sarcasticly "I know there's a reason I'm falling for you!"

This took me (and him) by surprise and we both just ignored the comment for a bit. But in the morning before he went home I asked him what he meant, and he admitted that he was in love with me and he didn't mean to say it as he thought I didn't feel the same.

I told him I loved him (as I did). Rest is history!

But to go by what you said. He didn't say it to me for a while after that, but now we speak about it, he said it was because he felt silly at the time and went into a bit of a shell over saying it. He might be feeling a bit vunerable and shy about it now! x
I knew I loved my then boyfriend pretty much from early in the relationship as he was everything I wanted and the way he treat me etc
I said it first and he said to me that that was lovely to hear but he felt he couldn't say it back right at that time
I felt a right idiot and thought I won't hear from him again and even had the text message ready to send to say thank you to him for making me realise that there are some nice men left out there
Then a few days later he sent me a message saying he did love me and that he was sure so it all went ok in the end
I have it the other way where someone as told me they loved me etc and I haven't felt the same and ended it for that reason which I am glad I did now looking back x
My partner at the mo told me after a few days and I didnt say it back. I didnt want it to be just because he'd said it. Was a few months before I said it to him
If you had to wait for him to say it back to you, didn't that set alarm bells ringing? Although I know we can't all have equal feelings for each other. I had a boyfriend who said it to me all the time, and I never said it back cos I knew I didn't love him! I felt bad at the time, but couldn't lie! Looking back, I wonder why we went out for so long (1.5 years) when the relationship was so one-sided. I hope you boyfriend is being honest with you now though!
Not at all scarlett as I said I didnt say it back straight away but it wasnt that I didnt care but I just had to be sure as I had bad relationships before.
4getmenot- my comment was in response to sunchime's post, not your reply!
yer I know scarlett. and I was commenting on yours. xx
I think he told me he loved me after a few weeks. I find it very difficult to actually say those three little words. I'm not sure why.
He told me he loved me first after just a week! I knew I loved him too but didn't dare say it first but I said it back to him straight away then we carried on saying it several times!! We were only 18 when we met though!
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Thank you for your answers. We have been together for 3 and a half months and i have known for a few weeks. I didn't want him to say it back unless he meant it and of course i was not waiting for him to say it back to me anyway. I just wanted to know what other people's experience's were with the whole 'i love you' thing....
been with my girlfriend for 19 years lol and now i say i love you but she new i did from the start anyway

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