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hair dyed to dark

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GypsyGSD | 17:28 Tue 16th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Really fed up last night so decided to dye hair , only its come out a lot darker than planed, I look like somone of the adams family any ideas , its a permenant dye GypsyX


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Try washing it with fruity shampoo.....thats what they tell you not to do with natural colourants - so it may work in the opposite way....don't know if it'll help with it being a permanent but..

Failing that- pretend thats exactly how you meant it to look! :0)
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Ask your partner to speak French , and see what happens , really though I am sorry I don't have any solutions for you :-)
This happened to me last week! It came out 3 shades darker than it shouldve done but Im used to it now. It will fade gradually, even though it is a permanent, just give it time.
Ive done that as well and sorry you just have to live with it -the only thing missing with me was the gold hoops -and I could have read your palm lol.

The only thing you can do is get lighter either copper or auburn low lights put through and that may lift it a bit -thats what I eventually had to do cos the ends of my hair remained black each time I dyed it so I had brown roots right through to black latterly.The lowlights made all the difference.
Try washing with Head & Shoulders. Many years ago a hairdresser told me never to wash my coloured hair with it, as it strips the colour out.
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Thank you all so much I suppose I could pretend im geting ready for hallowen Ive so far this evening 2 washes fairy washing up liquid, 6 washes head and shoulders quite a bit came out , so will wash a few more times tomorrow, I like the idea of putting another colour on could I do this straight away ?
If you really dont like it, go to a hairdresser and let them make it lighter for you. That way it wont end up orange or yellow!
Make sure you use an intensive conditioner after all that washing as you are stripping your hair of all its natural moisture and goodness.
If available try Suave shampoo. My hairdresser says it will strip the color.

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hair dyed to dark

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