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Im spartacus

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im spartacus | 21:38 Fri 14th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
and what you see below is not quite true as I was there 73 BCE: Spartacus escaped with 70-80 gladiators, seizing the knives in the cook's shop and a wagon full of weapons. They camped on Vesuvius and were joined by other rural slaves, overrunning the region with much plunder and pillage, although Spartacus apparently tried to restrain them. His chief aides were gladiators from Gaul, named Crixus and Oenomaus

There was only 69 of us that escaped and I did not try to restrain them I told them to "get in there lads and fill your boots my glad boys" as I like a bit of pillaging and plundering.

That is why the ed has asked me to look after you lot out there and make sure there is no smelly stuff going on out there.
I have turned a blind eye to most of it that I have seen on here so far and I know there are a few mischievous little monkeys out there I will let a lot of it go but when it gets out of hand,then you will feel the force of me.

So take note whiffey,nonuts,ab_user, and of course your newest member monkey (and I say member as in pr@ck) and doc you are getting a little out of hand just lately so take an oral warning of me. You all take care out there and happy slagging of


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He is a slave warrior
i'm sparticus!!!!!!!!!!
have we been down this road before?
no e aint es my hero and he does a lovely bit of cattle prodding
Question Author
did you know zig zag the only way to outrun an alligator is to zig zag and that is a well known fact.

So you cannot be sparty as alligators where not invented in my time.

So up yours sucker He He
Also tony curtis is dead and so is mr kirk
I am the only one and the one and only.
Mr smartearse
Odin o, oooooooh! Odin.
watch the crabs lol
when did Tony Curtis die then? I must have missed that.
and come to think of it, when Did Kirk Douglas die? Must have missed that one too : (
You talking about me??

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Im spartacus

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