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Fat women/fat blokes in footie shirts

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flip_flop | 10:04 Sat 25th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
I had a day off and yesterday and as I had a few chores to run I spent most of the day in town..................and am amazed at the sheer number of fat women and fat blokes around.

Don't these people have any pride in themselves?

Is this a British phenomenom?

I have been to pretty much every country in Europe and you just don't see it 'over there'.

Yes, obviously, there are fat people abroad, but nowhere near the numbers you see over here.


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Hi flip_flop, britain is a nation of overweight people, and it it is getting worse, I know some people have thyroid problems but basically I think we are a mainly a lazy lot who eat the wrong food and far too much of it, and with the lack of PE in schools and the advent of computers it is going to get worse, a lot of kids spend hours in front of a screen instead of being out playing football etc,

but also lots of playing areas have gone for housing so the kids have nowhere to play, so the wheel keeps turning,

But to see a nation of real heavyweights go to the USA, i have been there quite a lot and cannot believe how bad it is there even in the theme parks they ride around on buggies get off the buggy go on the ride back on to the buggy and go to the next ride, if they walked between them they might, just might lose a bit of weight,
also here kids never walk to school do they and fat kids = fat adults, now I am gonna get slated, ok go give it to me !!!
should have said as well, why do the really overweight women wear them tight legging things and white T shirts that makes the legs look like a sack of porridge ???
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and that latest fashions in general: they see a model wearing the latest fashion and they seem to think that they can pour their lardy bulk into the same clothes and look the same as the model.

They're completely delusional.

The worst example of this is hipster jeans - it was stomach churningly disgusting to see about three stone of stretchmarked pasty blubber spilling over the sides of their jeans.

Basically, fat people are lazy and eat too much. Yes I know there are some that have medical conditions that make them fat, but there are many many many more who are fat simply because they eat too much and exercise too little. Fact.
It puzzles me how people can allow themselves to get so big. I often eat too much, drink too much and laze about but there always comes a point when I feel 'uncomfortable'. That may well be bigger than some people would be happy with, or smaller than others but I do have my 'cut off' point. Don't others? If my clothes feel too tight, I go healthy for a while - I don't rush to the shops and buy larger sizes.

I know of large people who complain about their legs rubbing together and getting sores !!!
Think it through - it's the ultimate irony that the only clothes that fit huge lardies are sports outfits. Soccer shirts, tracksuits etc.

It is odd, in these times where people are completely self obsessed, that they manage to look so bad. They spend a fortune in the hairdressers, nail centre, tattooist, tanning centre, Jewellers and Dorothy Perkins, and the results are far from alluring.

Men are no better. Walking advertisements in lurid football shirts, chunky gold chains, combat trousers, and caps. And they think they look great.

In short, a large proportion of the British public just lack style. It is quite possible to be overweight and still dress well and look good.

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Oh I agree, it is possible to be fat and take pride in your appearance, although that in itself is a bit of a dichotomy: if you are fat clearly you do not take pride in your appearance because if you did you wouldn't be fat, but equally some fat people do try to look well presented (my head hurts - its like one of those questions where you are asked what if there was no world or universe, what would there be?)

The whole sports clothes things always make me chuckle as well, because the closest they get to exercise is climbing the steps up to the local KFC.
well I lost 8 stone as a result of an underactive thyroid, before diagnosis I barely ate yet I was still large, people still made generalisations and assumed that I was lazy and greedy.

unfortunatly most people cannot see past the physical appearance and feel the need to pass judgement on every aspect of your looks, my neighbour used to get called names because he lost a lot of hair through chemo, he has also gained weight from steroid treatments.

when you are handing out disgusted looks flip flop, try and imagine how it would feel if everyone looked at you in a disgusted manner.
Hi cazzz, I think most people realise that medical conditions do contribute to people gaining weight, it is the ones that are lazy and eat far to much of the wrong food that are helped though, I know 2 people where I live who get mobility allowance through self inflicted obesity, it is not fair that they get this help, they obviously need help with the eating habits they have formed, but how long did you have to struggle before you were given the correct help and you are genuine, these others know how to play the system and are genuinely just lazy sods who eat to much, Ray
I know what you are saying ray, It took me 5 years to finally get help, but do you think these people want to be that large? a woman I know used to eat more because people used to stare and call names, its a vicious cycle much like alcoholism and drug addiction. maybe the people you know on disability with their obesity need a bit of tough love, not judgement or abuse, maybe they need someone to help them because they cant help themselves.

I always hate the pointing a laughing that we do in this country at everything that doesnt look like normal, instead of judging maybe this person is in need of help.
British at its best, unlike you
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Being obese is British (and by British I assume you mean Britishness) at its best!

Really? How so?

How do you do self complacent smug *******? Did you take lessons or is it natural
Flip_ flop its merely your opinion, why does it bother you so much?, each to their own. If people dont conform to your idealism then tough.
I always get the fat one sitting next to me on the train and I am 6 foot 3 and big built and fit, but not fat you would have thought by now they would have learnt to pick on skinny people to sit next to.

Anyway get your skinny little lard arse over to america and you will see some sights over there and dont forget your flip flops
Got to agree that the USA has to be the worst country for overweight people. Each one is bigger than the next.
I'm with druiaghtagh on this. If overweight people are a problem to you flip flop, that's your opinion, I don't see why you need to come on here and post a pretty offensive and very tunnel visioned comment about fat people. I am no Kate Moss and do not like being big but I do indeed have pride in myself and am slowly losing weight. I would never look at a overweight person and assume they just ate too much and were lazy. I agree that larger people should dress for their size but there is no need to say that it is disgusting to see them when they haven't managed to get it right. Perhaps you should consider peoples feelings before you write such a harsh post???
A football shirt is unflattering on most women whether they are overweight or not.
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Whippety, how on earth did you know my mum and dad weren't married when I was born? That's amazing.

I do find it interesting how fat people get all uppity about being called lazy overeaters, even though it is quite patently obvious that that is, for the majority of fat people, the case.

It is something they bring on themselves - like being addicted to the fags, the difference being you won't get smokers blaming everybody but themselves for their addiction.

I take it you're fat whippety
I don't understand your arguments here flip flop. Are you saying you dislike large people? Or large people who don't dress well (in your opinion)? Or both?

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