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is this ironic

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Doc Spock | 16:38 Sun 05th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
55 Answers
heard on news that a helicopter has crashed killing 3 to 5 people on way to pheasant shoot.

Bet the birds are laughing.



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Bet im not -just imagine if you got that chap on the door -not quite as funny now is it?
I can hardly believe the spite and venom spouted on this subject ! To say a widow's late husband is better off where he is, must be the lowest remark ever. Do you know this lady ?I sure hope you think about that remark if you lose a loved one !
As for the people killed in the helicopter crash, they were obviously breaking the law going off to shoot out of season.
No one likes to hear of anyone being killed but they were there by choice. What choice have the birds and animals which are killed? None !
As for cats killing mice and birds, get real...that's Nature !!
Just an addendum -not that it excuses killing humans or animals but those pheasants are reared for the sole purpose of game killing.When cows are killed do you hope the farmer dies????
Sad fact but thats the way it goes -I was at a rearing farm just a few weeks ago where there were 20k birds being reared for the 12th
I also live near a chicken factory and see the birds being taken to the sheds for slaughter -not pleasant.

Not near as unpleasant IMO than a dead human who has perhaps in their lifetime eaten a piece of chicken.

Its a sad fact that the majority of people are carnivores and have been ad infinitum.My family are vegetarians through choice but I can still see both view points as they use leather (by product I know).
I personally find comments like that which started the thread -very ill thought out and yes I am prepared for the personal onslaught -like I could care -I am entitled to an opinion without being called a 'silly person' just because I had the audacity to voice an opposing opinion.
Thats AB for you -sticks and stones and all that -lol
Food chain is nature, humans have more choice than cats but it's still food and human nature to hunt
Don't think anyone is laughing at all Doc
Especially the lady who was insulted by another aber. That was a terrible remark to make about her deceased Husband. She deserves an apology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amonty 1144 , 12 th August is the day . All the townies buy meat in a bag , no fur ,feathers , guts etc , but it does actually have that when it is running around , just choose to ignore the fact . So no one likes Liver &Bacon with mashed potatoes , carrots and thick onion gravy !! OK !!
Monkeyeyes, I can certainly live without comfort from you so you can stick the :) where the sun don't shine. And just because you don't like my opinion doesn't make me sour or obsessive, but the comment that you made about my husband makes YOU cruel and ignorant. I agree he's probably better off where he is, because this sick, mad world and the awful things that are happening in it to animals and humans would break his heart.

Country_boy..oh you know SO much, and we ignorant animal lovers know nothing... animals hunt because they're programmed to do so...we are supposed have evolved higher, we have the powers of reason and the knowedge to feed ourselves with plenty of other things than flesh. Even so, I have never come on the answerbank to bang the drum about vegetarianism, I was asked if I am a veggie and I'm proud to say yes I am.

This is way off the subject and obviously it isn't possible for everyone to agree about such an emotional thing. I've stated my opinion as it my right to do so. i must say i don't appreciate being called a t*** either!!! More ignorance.
Nor am I anticroolty either.
Babz , ignore the wallies on here as in Whiffey , Noways , Nonuts as they are are all the same person , not enough to do in there lives , need to go in to therapy or take the pills !! Stay cool x
Can I give you some of my nuts to shove right where the sun doesn't shine ??

So, it's perfectly alright to gloat over 4 tragic deaths just because you don't approve of the persons involved ?

And then I get huge amounts of vitriol for making a statement neither more nor less offensive than the original one ?

Go figure............
I love animals myself but mostly roasted. I don't support intensive/factory farming and I only kill what I eat.
But don't get wound up eh, if we were all the same it'd be a boring world
no-one is gloating here at all. At least, I certainly am not but I think you were bang out of order when you posted links to abers about their Husbands
Monkeyeyes alias Joe the Lion always know it's you out there , bad language >>tut ..tut always lets you down .So you have gone to swinging in the trees , from stalking in the forest , bet your knuckles are sore ??? As for nuts get some wet wipes for your bottom , Andrex are good x
Spocky you disappoint me.

I am a great animal lover and on the whole don't really like people.

Whilst I wholeheartedly wish for fox hunters, including the children on such hunts, badger baiters, hare coarsers, animal experimenters on COSMETICS only, and the vile brigade of people who shot cats and dogs for pleasure, die of a horrid face cancer, I have no problem with pheasant shooters.

I myself hunt and as i have stated before, over my life have killed hundreds, thousands if you include fish, animals over my life.

However, apart from the odd mercy killing I can categorically state that what I have killed, either myself or somebody or someones animal has eaten my fruits.

I have never shot an animal for mere pleasure, although do confess there is a sense of acheivement in catching your own dinner.

As said here, pheasants are reared for food. Are you telling me Spocky you have never eaten a battery chicken or at least a battery egg? At least the pheasants have a taste of freedom. And there is always the chance some, if not many actually fly to freedom forever.

Whilst, I value sadistic human life very low, and yes, smile when horrible things happen to horrible people, pheasant shooters are not necessarily bad people and I take no pleasure in their demise.

In fact, in my experience, the "average" pheasant shooter usually eats whole unfarmed meat and often are members of the wildlife trust etc. In essence, therefore, one could argue they are animal lovers who eat meat.

I am not a left wing vegetarian, and eat meat or fish daily. I would never see an animal suffer and just to reiterate, I eat my kill.

Also, as a lover of venison, I have given up deer stalking as my conscience after a few dirty shots couldn't handle it. I do not dislike derr stalkers however ASLONG as it is for the table!!!
Crikey ! I really didn't think that I would be tarred with being Wardy...........I can asure you that I'm not !

Look up 'gloat' and I think you'll find that it precisely what has been happening on this thread !

How the hell did Babz know that there was no-one on this site with direct involvement in this tragedy ? She didn't care if there was, she had a point to make about us evil, bloodlust-filled cruel carnivores...........and she made it. I don't know her, either so I guess the scales are balanced!
nonuts and whiffey are one and the same ?

Oooh, best laugh today.

nonuts is still asleep on the lawn, huge stomach rising and falling gently, whereas I in stark contrast am bright eyed and highly brained, leaping around and improving peoples lives generally.
Here, just a minute MonkeyFACE, I didn't start this thread...Doc Spock did, I just agreed with him/her. And if anyone connected with the tragedy is reading Body & Soul on AB this afternoon, then they aren't very bothered either are they? I hardly think you'd find out a relative had died and then switch on for an afternoon of browsing.

Babz may also not have thought that perhaps the pilot didn't have a choice about being there, apart from working another day to provide for the family. However full on personal attacks like that on Babz are not necessary or nice, just goes with the territory here these days it seems
I can't be bothered telling you lot to Fcuk orf, anymore.

You are either choosing to miss the point or are too compromised by your own agenda to take notice of what I'm saying.

Have a monkey nut on me.........
I can't be bothered telling you lot to Fcuk orf, anymore.

Babz. So it's perfectly alright to say the things you said using the defence that no-one connected with the tragedy is likely to be reading ? Gosh, what a lofty height your principles have given you; I bet you can almost see reality from there.

To the rest of those rushing to the foothills of good taste, you are either choosing to miss the point or are too compromised by your own agenda to take notice of what I'm saying.

Have a monkey nut on me.........

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