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a girl that i like

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ultraman | 05:28 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Relationships & Dating
4 Answers
there is a girl that i work with and she seems nice and a friendly person to talk to but she is very weird i don't know if she likes me or if she just wants to be friends. she has some problems. when i talked to her today she made a comment like she was surpised that i had not asked her to hang out she also showed me a picture of her boyfriend from her hometown or some guy she called her boyfriend i tell myself that she is trouble and that i should stay away from her i have only known her for a week what should i do.


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Sounds like a Class A mentalist to me.

So, you've know her for a week, in that time you've found out that:

She's very wierd
She has problems
She's supprised you haven't asked her out
Yet she shows you pictures of her boyfriend

Star clear mate!

errr...she is showing you pictures of her boyfriend... do you need it spelling out for you? she has a boyfriend!!

"hang out" may have meant just that, hang out - it is not asking someone out. you both sound very young

the fact that you have made all kinds of somewhat unkind judgements of her based on knowing her for 5 half days, and assuming that during the work day you speak to her for only a couple of short periods a day, you don't know her at all really

she has been clear with you
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she has a boyfriend and shes showing YOU it.
shes lost her mind she should say no if she will cheat on her boyfriend she will cheat on u

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a girl that i like

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