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State of Mind

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ladyshy | 15:20 Sat 13th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

Do you think dreams show your state of mind?

I had an unusual one last night about a lion hunting a blue tit.

I also have a very weird reoccurring dream.

I can find a meaning in both of them but perhaps I find a meaning cause to look for a pattern is the human way.

What do you think?

China xx


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Im a lion in bed....just make sure you re ready decked oout with blue paint for when I get there
Question Author
Lol I'll paint myself blue just for you Zorro... or were you calling me a tit?? ;0)
Hmmmm have you got someone who is really a bit of a tit in your sights?

Sorry probably doesn't help much though ;) xxx

I think they can yeah but I think other things that go in subconsciously can have an influence as well though such as things people have said, things you've seen and heard and such.

I must admit most of my dreams are very realistic and can sometimes take a while to realise they weren't real. I do have some recurring types as well which I think definitely mean things.

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Hmmm.... I wouldn't take the tit part to literally Jenna my love... Me as a lion is frankly worrying too!

But generally, yes, I agree with you about outside influences.

But a blue tit and a lion are a little odd even by my standards... And my standards aren't all that high!
I hope it doesn't reflect your state of mind. I've had dreams about Whiffey.....What does that say about me??
Stop eating those cheesy pizzas before you go to bed!

What�s your recurring dream then and your interpretation of it?
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Reoccurring one is not up for discussion... I would get sectioned Lol.

Interpretation of last nights one? Well, personally, using a big method to achieve a small thing would be a waste of time... Or at least that's what I understood.
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Actually.... if anyone can interpret dreams at all...

my friend has a dream about a clam but the clam has a beard and there's some sort of large snake, possibly a python slitering around it. Anyone got any ideas about what that might mean? I
Umm, a bearded clam and a snake�. nope� no idea�.one for the experts to ponder�..

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