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Have you ever been a Victim of Crime?

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Eve | 20:35 Fri 08th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
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ive been burgled twice,iv'e also been mugged,it was horrible to know that someone had been in my flat,they compleatly trashed it.
the second time i/we was burgled was when i was living at my moms and we had had a house fire which had destroyed just about every thing downstairs,we stayed at our uncles for the night and when we went home the next day we found we had been robbed!the ba5t**ds
I was once, some scumbag in a tracksuit nicked me mobile out of the office at work, it put me right off me dinner,
i was mugged.

its happened twice. first time it was by a woman in a blue two piece. she robbed me of every spare penny i had for years.
i thought i had learned a lesson and put my trust into the hands of another thief.
for some reason he followed the old battle axes lead and robs me on a weekly basis...

i know who they are, ive got names.
Maggie and Tony
I knew a man once who stole my heart...
funky. will gordon be next ?
crete, if i had my way i would run... run as fast as my legs would take me and head abroad.

gordon is a moron.
I got burgled as I said earlier, while I was asleep. I also got attacked in my house by a man who followed me home!! It's why I'm scared of the dark!!!! took a long time to get over. Still very nervous of strangers, shadows and anyone walking behind me!!!!
Two lads tried to mug me a few years ago,but I managed to grab one of them and smack his head against a lamppost,the other one quick ******** off, but I got a caution for using undue force,if it happened again I would give him a right hiding and not call anybody.
yes...I was the victim of theft once 10 years ago.........a woman stole my heart....and now I dont have one
awwww zorro
when i had a transport company ages ago i came out of my office and there was a bag head rummaging through one of the vans on the car park, i said to him " what the fcuk are you doing" in a very angry voice but i had to laugh when he turned around and said "is this van for sale mate" i said "yeah, its �10k" to which he started to run, i grabbed him and he had missed a parcel on the seat and nicked the tax disc??

for the risk of incriminating myself i wont discuss what happened next|!!!! but it was very stress relieving!!!
did you pummell him, beating him senseless, kicking his head very hard repeatedly, then get a baseball bat, and use his already beaten head for target practice ?
maybe? ;�)
Yeah. A movie type attack too.
I was living in Paris at the time. I came back from a night out, pretty drunk. Got out of the taxi, opened the building's doors, then went into the common courtyard, where my flat was. Put the key in the door, turned it, and someone jumped from behind, pushing me inside.

I'll spare you the details, but I went to the police the next day, and they told me I'd narrowly escaped death, apparently, as this was the modus operandi of a serial killer they'd been tracking for months. Ensued a few days of CSI-type thinga going on in my flat (finger printing, DNA evidence collecting..).
Never heard anything more from the police.

But maybe, just maybe, it comes from the fact that I got the **** out of there the next week.

I've been in the UK for 5 years now, and I don't think I could have gone to a more welcoming place. So, thank you guys. From the bottom of my heart.

You've got one hell of a country there, and i'm proud of being part of it. I hope my (future) kids grow up here.
Nice of you to say so maximo, but all citys have places that are safer than others, but I am glad to hear you feel welcomed here.are you from the USA ? If you are I must say I felt 100% safe in New York, or were we just lucky seemed to be police everywhere.
Nah Ray, I'm french. Nothing to do with it, I know there are weirdos everywhere, but the UK was my first "grown up" home, and I think it will stay that way!

iv'e been shot once
in the hand??
Stay as long as you are happy, and I hope you have a great life in the UK, and our food is getting better, Lol,

amusez-vous bien
in the chest

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