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xx cutie xx | 10:15 Tue 18th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
would you find it insulting if your partners friends sent texts to him saying about having a nite out, no girls allowed?


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Depends if i was allowed a 'girls night' or not. I know i could go out with girls at anytime and leave him to babysit so it really wouldnt bother me.
No! When I was with someone I used to get my mates out for an evening with no blokes... And actually I still do. Everyone needs time out with their mates.
not in the slightest. they have their nights out, we have ours, no big deal at all. And actually, my group of friends are male and female, but I used to have nights out with them that my other half didn't come to (so it wasn't as if I had girly nights out, hence he was excluded)
nope. my husband is on a boys nite out on thursday i don't have any problems with it i trust him so i know i have nothing to worry about, and i know that he doesn't have a problem with me going on a girls nite out because he trusts me xXx
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i don't mind them havin lads nites i just find it a bit immature that they hav to state that the girlfriends are not allowed out. does that make sense?
In the nicest possible way Cutie, not really! If it's not stated sometimes it can turn in to a bit of a free for all and then everyone turns up or you have blokes texting to ask if their Mrs can come. I think it's good to be upfront about it from the start.
not to me cutie......I have nights out with my group of pals and sometimes the message to all partners (male or female) is "you're not invited". we'd obviously have nights out, weddings etc where partners would come too, but the core group of about 18 of us used to arrange no partners nights out 3 or 4 times a year. My other half never got in the slightest bit annoyed or offended, and I certainly didn't think we were being immature (given that we're all in our 30s lmao).
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i suppose. i think im just feelin sensitive bout the whole issue because my boyfriend keeps getting invited out by my friends and he always says no. my friends partners turn up and i feel a bit left out.
thank you all for your answers xxx
Awww... don't worry Cutie. Just sit him down and explain that you really want him there and why and I'm sure he'll come round. You take care now xx
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he says that he gets bored and doesnt like my friends. its getting to the point where its embarrassing having to make excuses for him all the time. i put myself to keep him company but i dont get it in return
not at all. its good to have time apart in a relationship. and its good to have seperate groups of friends. just explain it to him hun, i'm sure he will understand xx
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i feel stupid for posting this now!!
Hi cutie - I've got one a bit like that. I let him go out with his friends and never complain and then when I require his presence I remind him of how lucky he is and if he doesn't comply his nights out with the boys priviledges will be revoked. Works every time!!
aww dont babes, we all have felt like this at some point i'm sure...i know i have!!! but i learned that guys need their space as do we!! take care hunni xxx
but it sounds like your real problem is that he doesn't like your friends and so won't socialise with them. That is more tricky, especially if you feel you have to make excuses and sometimes turn up solo when others have their partners there. You should maybe talk to him about a that every now and then he goes out with your friends and you, but nto necessarily every time. After all, if he won't consider your feelings enough to do that for you, he's a pretty poor and selfish boyfriend.
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i just feel its the least he could doc oming with me. for one of my friends birthdays we went for a meal and it was her, her boyfriend and another couple then me!!!!
i do give him a lot of space to do what he wants.
he brings it up i always go out without him and it upsets him but he refuses to come!
i can't fault him in any other way cos he can be the most caring person, its just this one issue we hav.
My other half does every now and again with his male friends (most of whom are attached). If I thought that such nights out involved leering at women, strip clubs etc etc, I wouldn't be happy with it at all. As it is, from what I know of his, they just get together in pubs/restaurants and have boyish chats. Like I do on girls nights outs. So that's fine.
If it's about him going on nights out where he is going out with a mixed group including couples and doesn't invite you, that's a bit pants. And I think you ought to address why.

You can't make him come on all your nights out but the occasional bit of support would be nice. Perhaps you need to ask why he doesn't like then and work it out from there.
With our group of friends only the ladies go out or only the blokes go out. The other lot all get together at someones house for drinks and a takeaway. Its nice for blokes to have a night together without us ladies and vice versa. Why not invite the ladies round to yours on that night and have a cocktail night or something?
id be happy for him to go out for the night gives me the chance to get the girls round for a good drink too.wouldnt bother me at all

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