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What are people's opinions on escorts ?

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inej | 00:41 Tue 18th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
33 Answers

I have a relative who is an escort ,she is always looked down upon by some members of our family.But really she as got a good lifestyle ,travels all over the world to meet rich men, can earn in a week what i earn in a month, mixes with celebs in top clubs or restaurants but she is still looked down on .Who is having the good life and have opinions changed on escorts ?


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I work for an employer who fixes me up with clients, all of whom I've never met before. I go to meet these clients, regardless of my opinion of them - if I have one. I am away from my home and family most of the time, and have spent more nights in hotels than I'd ever wish to.
I do it for the money. I go to these clients because my employer tells me that's where the work is.
My job title is 'Consultant'. You could call me a prostitute. In which case, there are people who'd be ready to look down on me because of a label applied to what I choose to do for a living, even though they probably know nothing about me, nor the other people who work in my profession. I say probably, because I might live down your street...

p.s. it's not illegal.

I completely agree with Oneeyedvic and Lonnie.

Everyone assumed she is selling herself for sex.. which may not be the case. She may just be Escorting people to functions. However.. Lonnie is right. We all sell ourselves in some way and is it any better to sell out your soul and spirit and freedom of speech in an unhappy low paid job, than it is to live the high life and sell your body?

If she enjoys it then good on her. Hell I'd do it. :o)

i have a very very well off friend, who no longer loves his wife but stays for the children!

he was telling me he had an escort the other week,this being the 3rd time he has used this company,i on my moral high ground said i could never pay for sex but he said " it the sex and not having the worry of her ringing or texting the wife or having a stalker".

then he told me he pays her �150 an hour!!!

i nearly went to bed with him for that much!!!!!!

For those people who assume that being an Escort means literally escorting, how naive! I had a friend who was also under this impression. Until she tried to enrol with an escort agency and they made it quite clear what would be expected of her.

The difference between an escort and a street hooker is that escorts normally aren't druggies, and men are willing to pay more for their "company."

This all boils down to one thing: the money might be good, but what about every other aspect of her life? I know for sure that I couldn't look myself in a mirror if I'd had more sexual partners than hot dinners. And what about when she gets too old and nobody wants her "company"? And what if she wants a boyfriend? I doubt that 99% of men would touch her if they knew what she does or did for a living.

And as for men using escorts: How sad. Nobody should have to pay for sex, no matter how lonely or ugly or deformed or inhabitant of Antarctica you may be, because there's always someone who feels the same way and is equally desperate for a partner.
alfiebrady, try going to the local copshop and telling them you have sex with clients who are paying for your services. Im sure they would be very interested in the 'employer' that you work for.
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Hi everyone , thank you for all your comments, would like to add a few points:

To do with hiv and aids she is more clued up on that subject than girls who go out on a saturday night to pull a guy.

She is one of the cleaniest people i have ever met , and she dresses ammacuately.

She does escort men on dates , she escorts a lot of arabs and business men who are in uk for work.

One thing she does tell me is that a lot of men just want someone to talk to, problems at home ,with wife etc

I am not saying extras are not given after hours but that is up to the individual person.

Yes she does sometimes live under stress because she never knows who the escort agency is to send,but she chooses who to see, she has had a stalker in the past.

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I am not trying to glamourise this at all , but she just treats it like she's going off to work like a normal 9 to 5 job , her personal life and home life is kept separate , she can switch off from the job. She as done this for a long time and it is a worry but how do you tell someone who earns up to �3000 a week to go and work in tescos for �150 a week. She knows that it will come to an end but she is making every penny to get a business together. I don't think she can change now.

Well maybe she should think does money really buy you happyness. Does she have a partner or any kids? What if she ever did? Would she be happy to share her man with 100's of different women? Would she want her kids to follow in her foot steps? Does she think about any of this or does she just think of her self and the money as she's sleeping with a punter. Oh...and how much money does her agents take off her? Would you be happy to have a partner with her past?

Opinions can vary from good to bad. For me, escorts are just regular people having odd jobs. Like you mentioned, she is living the good life and is happy about it.

At least today, the public is opening their eyes about the existence of this kind on industry especially for countries that have legalized escorting.
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