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jelly-baby | 20:44 Thu 30th Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
53 Answers

This question is to people who are against abortion.

What are you reasons for being against someone having an abortion? I am interested in people who's reasons are something other than religion.

Why does it really matter to you what a stranger does?



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weeangel - Stop going on about teen pregnancy, it has nothing to do with this question.

Also, how can I "miss the point" on my own question?!

Don't you think it's weird that you have had a baby but you can't actually vote yet, and also that, at 17, you should still be in full-time education rather than looking after a baby?

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dancealot - thanks for your reply. I do know exactly what abortion consists of and still do not agree that it is murder.

I have heard about people who wait outside clinics to verbally abuse girls/women who are going in to have an abortion (and try to get them to change their minds) and I was wondering what it is that makes them feel so strongly about it that they feel the need to do this. I am well aware that everyone is entitled to an opinion but, at the end of the day, the decision a woman has made is really not going to affect these people why do they feel the need to do it?

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pippa68 - thank you for support and for understanding what I was saying.
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dancealot - my reply to you sounds like I'm having a go at you but I'm not at all, it's just the way it's worded.
Jelly-baby- No offense taken, I like this discussion. I think the reason why people protest outside the clinics is because they look at as murder. I was always for abortion-especially with young mothers. But the reality of it is once the unborn child grows a heart (I think the heart forms the second month-I may be mistaken?) but it's a living being once it has a matter how you look at it-wouldn't you agree? No having an abortion after that stage is killing a life.
spelling errors- heart.. / Not having...
Sorry, Im crazy..but that last line should read "Having an abortion after that stage is killing a living thing"

Wee-angle GOOD POINT!!! Bravo.... And Milly I have known many girls who have gone through abortion and when they wanted to know if I aproved I said no.. Its killing... And I found I had a hard time even being there friend after.. some girls I decided not to be their friend because one girl ex firend of mine killed twins at 6months prego!!!.. her husband left her so she felt the kids would not be a good idea.. just SICK!! (She had to pay to get that done!!) I really made her cry!!! And yesturday My sister in-law killed her baby at 5 months prego because it was missing some body parts.. but everything else was fine!!.. when she asked me how I felt.. I told her "you dont want to know how I feel about you" and we left it at that.. I also had my first child at 19 and the Dr advised me to abort so that I can live a young life!!!!!! I could not believe the idea!!!! My husband and I decided to keep our child ( of course) and do not regret a day... And we have worked very hard never getting any "hand me outs" from anybody.. and we are dong very well.... So ya.. I guess thats what I have to say .. And I dont think Im going to come back to this question.. Abortion should be band!!!! for everybody!!! Oh, and as for why would I care if somebody else did it.. ITS MURDER!!! On the news when a murder happens everybody gasp and says what they would do to the person if they could... well... whats the difference!!?!?!?!?!? really.. dont be so foolish...


Maybe wee angel is a little young but it was HER choice to have HER baby and I would guess that she probably would have liked to have waited before it happened but as we all know these things do happen and she choose not to have an abortion.

Dont be offended but can I ask how old Jennykins is please?
Jelly-baby-I will say whatever I want! You are the one who is going on about teen pregnancy and abortions, why exactly are you bothered about issues like this? Have you got a few wires loose in your head or do you just get pleasure trying to wind people up. I feel sorry for any children you may have at least I am emotionally balanced enough to raise a child which you don't seem to be.

Greedyfly-Yes I would liked to have been a bit older but now age doesn't matter to me. What matters the most to me is my beautiful little boy and I wouldn't change anything about him.

Dancealot13-A heartbeat can be seen as early as 5weeks.

Im in my late 20's Greedyfly.. How come? Does that matter to anything? and I also have two children and I have been married for 8 years... And Iam a very happy women.. anything else?.. haha


Hi Jelly-baby, so I can get your question in better context, would you mind telling me whether you are from the UK or the USA please? A couple of things you have said imply that you aren't from the UK and I don't want to take your comments out of your cultural context if that is the case, because views on teen pregnancy, education, abortion etc are naturally very different in the Uk to the US.Also I believe the US permits abortion pretty much throughout pregnancy whereas we have a cut off after 24 weeks. Thanks.
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Weeangel - oh dear, your immaturity is really showing in your replies.

You ask why I am "bothered"? I think you will find this website is called 'The Answer Bank', which means that people ask questions that other people answer.

I take it that you do not have opinions and you are not "bothered" about anything? Thats ok, maybe you will take an interest in various things when you are a bit older and have a bit more life experience. After all, you are, officially, still a child.

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noxlomus - what have I said that makes you think about where I might be from?

Well as this is 'The Answer Bank' then I will say what I want without you telling me not to! You are very pathetic so go on about my age all you want, I know I'm a lot more mature than you. If your idea of fun is trying to wind people up by bringing them down then you seriously need to grow up and get a life.

So even though people can get married at 16 they are still classed as children? You say that maybe I will take an interest in various things when I am a bit older and have a bit more life experience well what are your various interests? You must have a sad life if all you can do is go on about issues that don't concern you unless you yourself have went through a teen pregnancy and or abortion. Are you going through the upset of abortion or failure to get pregnant and feel taking it out on others heals your pain?

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It's funny that I'm not "trying to wind people up" yet you are getting so annoyed. If you are so mature why are you throwing a tantrum. Have you noticed that you are the only person taking this personally? Perhaps you have some unresolved issues that you need to discuss with someone?

Issues do not have to "concern" me directly for me to have an opinion on them.

I am not going to drop to your level and start calling you names, it's like being back at school reading your replies.

Can't seem to keep away though can you weeangel?

PS - yes you can get married at 16, but you have to get your parents permission don't you honey!!

Oh right so the people who run away to Gretna Green to get married have got their parents permission? I just had a thought- why don't you start a new thread- marriage at 16 then you can slag off other people! You are such a weirdo by the way. Bye loser!!!

All right then folks.. How about we all just agree to disagree.. (smile) You can only imagine what it must be like to be a politician hahah

Take care everybody.. and remember an opioion is like a A.*Hole... EVER BODYS GOT ONE!!! hahaha


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