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Natural High

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Drisgirl | 00:21 Thu 09th Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
12 Answers

I have been buzzing all day.I've spoken with my son about his low key 21st - 19th - but discussed at great length his pressie and had a good laugh.My daughter is happy - her b'day on monday.Spoke to my ex and had a good chat re our sons special b'day.Looked after my pals wee 18 month old darling girl and going to Edinburgh for weekend with my hubby who I havent had a cross word with for a few days - to see my son in advance of his 21st.And had a lovely surprise visit from my oldest pal who just came home from Canada to recuperate at home from an op.

What a lovely day and it didnt cost a penny - my hubby thought I had hit the bottle.Bet I feel like sh!t tomorrow but I am the happiest I have felt for years.

What gives you a natuaral high?



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Hi Drisgirl, reading your post and your happiness was lovely. Is'nt it lovely when you feel like that. And its lovely to read. As for me I did some decorating today and made me feel good. High! but that may of been the emulsion!
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You know what Dreaming - you hit the nail on the head -happy.Havent felt that for so long I didnt recognise it.Thank you!
yesterday at 4 35 pm i finally made fire by rubbing 2 sticks together ,its took months and i feel like ive won the world cup. try it , it becomes an obsession but when you lose your cherry you are king. my wife, my kids, my friends think im a sad **** but they cant and i can cos im the king

What a lovely post Drisgirl .... we are often all so busy just rushing here rushing there that life has passed us by before we realise what has happened. We are so fortunate to be able to be warm, fed and clothed and have loved ones around us .... and as you have just done sometimes we need to just stop and think and appreciate it all. And thank goodness for AB where we can sometimes share good times as well as problems !!! I now don't feel quite so cross with my half sister waking me at 5 am with a transatlantic call saying 'oh were you asleep ..' when I had only gone to bed at 1 am and I have a busy day at work and a dinner tonight and I was feeling quite annoyed, hence my early post (mind you now people will know that the first thing I do in the morning is log onto AB to see the latest !!!)

Yes Drisgirl this was lovely to read and I had to read it twice and lady_p_gold we dont sometimes apprieciate the good things in life we take things for granted and dont realize it till someone like Drisgirl puts this up.What a delight to read instead of people posting in nasty replies .Like you lady_p_gold my first thing is cup of tea and read the ab post .Drisgirl nice one You have cheered me up for the day

And forgot to add my high to my day is when my grandson who is 3 comes running up my path shouting granma i love you.

Dris, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

For me it�s the warm glow I get from the charitable work I�ve been doing at the shelter. Just recently it�s been really cold, so we�ve been handing out more blankets and soup than usual, and it�s been a great way to get to know them. I�ve really enjoyed helping some of them with their reading and writing, and telling them about what�s happening in the news.
It�s not always easy, as some of them can be very rude, especially at the weekends, but I just tell myself it�s the alcohol talking and try not to take offence.

If anyone else would like to help by the way, I�ll post a link to our website.
We�re collecting newspapers at the moment, so if you could help that would be great. Ideally broadsheets, as you get more paper, and there�s stuff in them to read and help them pass the time.
Thanks. xx

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Stevie - you have just warmed the cockles of my heart.There is just not enough people like you in the world - and we often take genuine caring people - like yourself - for granted.

You are definately one of the unsung heroes.

BTW does it just have to be broadsheets - they can be sometimes a bit awkward to hold and it could potentially be embarassing as unfortunately as you will be aware some might be too drunk to appreciate the finer points in life.Would the Sun not do just as well as then they only have to look at the pictures - at the same time looking outwardly intelligent thereby bolstering their confidence.Just a suggestion.

Thanks for your contribution Stevie xx

Dris, you make a very valid and good point.

As it happens we do also collect tabloids like 'The Sun', as we have found them useful in a practical way, and because we also belive it's important to promote environmental re-cycling initiatives. Therefore, we cut them into squares and hang them on nails at motorway under passes.

P.S What's black and white and red all over?

A tramps bottom!

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You recycle as well?Is there no end to your do-gooding.Even considering the homeless peoples plight doing the big toilet.Just a word of warning though - take page 3 out as you might just have an indecent exposure to deal with on top of all the good you are doing.If I were you then be selfish - just for once- and keep it for yourself not that I am implying you are a wa**er (one word) - gawd forbid.Wish I could retract that - o too late I have just pressed submit............

There's a song by Edie Brickel that says "I live for times like these" They're not as regular for most of us as we'd like.

One of my favorite sayings is that 'happiness is a state of mind, not a condition of circumstance' so hold on to your happy day and carry it with you x

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I like that sentiment Englishbird - might just go and download that and have a listen.I am glad I wrote that down yesterday because I feel happy again and I am going to carry the happy day with me.Thanks for that and of course to everyone elses posts.It truly is heartwarming to receive such genuine replies.Thank you all x

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