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Foot Massagers

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smurfchops | 10:38 Sun 06th Aug 2023 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
I have noticed Revitive now have different foot massagers, do you have one, and which would you recommend? There are other brands now as well, would you recommend one of these please? Thanks in advance.


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What are you hoping a foot massager will do, apart from massage your feet?
Have you got problems in that area?
The on!y thing I know for sure about these devices is that they do nothing at all for a massive belly.
I'm sorry it didn't help with your big belly, douglas. :(
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Eamonn Holmes and Ian Botham have one so I want one … :):). Seriously I have heard they are good for circulation etc. does anyone have one??
^they are also being paid huge amounts to promote them.
Say no more!
Oh...and the best way to improve circulation in lower areas is to walk. These things may well help if you can't move about much...otherwise, don't bother (IMO).
I don't have one and I wouldn't try them - plenty of reviews online that say they don't work

"Due to its mechanism of action, there is little chance that Revitive Medic will relieve leg and foot pain better than simply : elevating the legs, regularly stretching the legs by taking a few steps, or wearing compression stockings for people who have no contraindications.",people%20who%20have%20no%20contraindications.

It rebounded bounded in the case of Holmes, who is now barely able to walk and has been in pain for years. I know that was due to his hip but his claiming that the device enabled him to enjoy walking again was blatant lies.
JimF, I'm put off that by the claim that it has an 'anti cellulite effect'. It certainly does not
"Don't throw the baby out with the bath water"

Depending upon the problems that you are having with your legs, massagers could be of help.

The foot contains 4 layers of muscles soaked in blood....a right "bag full." If this is slow to clear and get back to the heart for recirculation then you may well develop swollen and aching legs.
Massagers help to pump this blood back to the heart.

Many surgeons after major operative procedures e.g hip replacement will attach electrical massagers to the feet, ensuring that the sluggish blood reservoir in the feet will not cause trouble e.g DVT.

No I have never used one.
Total waste of money,imo.Had one for years.
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Thanks all, going for a walk instead :):)
I was given one of these as a Christmas present many years ago, I have used it every morning for a couple of minutes ever since, really good & saves you a lot of money on buying electric gadgets, imo. User Recommendation
I bought Revitalive for Christmas for sister but she didn't think any good of it at all. Waste of money for me.

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