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Base of the brain ache...

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Bbbananas | 07:52 Fri 16th Oct 2009 | Health & Fitness
20 Answers
No seriously - I can't really call it neckache, as the site of the pain is actually the base of my skull off to one side - just where the cerebellum ends. I can hardly move my neck to the side or my head back. It's making the whole side of my head ache & I am thoroughly fed up.
Muscle sprain? Trapped nerve? Any thoughts?
Thank you - Sallabananas, literally A Pain In The Neck today....


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If ur lucky it's muscle strain ar spasm from your rank stupidity in reading in one pos all that time. It's a bu88er, rank stupididty, but if it werent for that I wouldnt be able to sit at the computer for more than 10 mins, and I cant let you all off the hook that easily. (But dont worry, I wont infest CB as well. Hardly ever even look, but happened on your post this AM.)

Muscle pain is consistent with referred pain in the head, and even that can be quite persistent, but you have to hope it's not a trapped nerve, and if youve got nerve outlet probs it's prob because of arthritis.

Is Javier a chiro? Do NOT let him manipulate your neck. I wont go near them since I failed to fight one off when he bullied me into letting him do that when my neck had finally settled down after years of pain and I kept insisting "it'll do very nicely thank you.". I used to be reassured by the fact that they take Xrays these days, but thats just for street cred and give them time to blind you with chirobabble. For anything perisistent involving nerves you really need an MRI before you let anyone loose on your spine. And even in chirobabble guidelines it warns against manipulatiing the neck. Sqad may confirm that in orthodox medicine it is held to be too dangerous for chiro. People have been killed by it.

If he is a masseur, you may get instant relief!
You know the heated pads you get in the chemist - they may give you some relief - a rolled up towel around the neck will give some support. Affects your whole body - a sore neck - no gymnastics for you today
hope it's not torticolis, VERY painful
And if the hot pad doenst work and it's a gel one you can put it int the fridge and have a cold pack. I used to run a cold shower on my neck for as musch of the day as I could get away with!
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thanks guys - I think mallam may be correct - rank stupidity causing neck strain - thanks mallam!!!
By the way, Javier is a masseur - I won't be going to any chiropracters. But I even think his description of himself as a 'masseur' is something of a misnomer - I think he's quite dodgy and wouldn't stick to just the neck area, if you know what I mean.... I was sort of joking about that one... I hear his hands have been in some very dodgy places.
My daughter trained as a masseur (a 'legit' one - as in sports massage, indian head etc) - I think I'll just bribe her with a chinky takeaway & a bottle of rose tonight.
Too right alba. I had that but I think it's more a name for the contortions than a diagnosis. What salla needs is a diagnosis. She has described incipient torticollis already as far as I can see.
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I'm seeing a doc later - may as well, being as I'm surrounded by them all day. Perks of the job 'n all that.
Maybe I will be sent home and given a sick note for a week - that would be almost worth the discomfort :-)
Oh honestly salla. Your probs I should have! Get that chinky down your daughter this very night!
I never even knew it existed until OH was diagnosed with it about 2 months ago.
Apparently, one of the causes could be a side effect to certain meds (that qualifies him unfortunately)

Salla can you describe a takeaway in that fashion ? I know you just did but ....... :D
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in what fashion? Ooh - have I been inpolitically correct in my description of a chow mein and prawn curry? Apologies - no offence meant (that's reserved for chatterbank..!)
Oh boy here we go again LOL - alba put the spoon away
Ooh-er alba. That makes me an accessory. Right enough I even know the language, and I wouldnt call that chinky! But it's so specific to the food that it would take PC sh1t-stirring toget even the Chinese exercised about it.

I really don't get what is wrong with it. OH and I were in our local when he pipes up "I like coming here for a chinese meal" only using that word pmsl
The SPOON? Oh, alba!
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It's just such a well known phrase for describing food of oriental origin, particularly from China (!) that it's almost eligible for the dictionary surely - it entered into common English parlance decades ago, I say it without thinking....

Let's stick to the subjects of necks and massage eh?
This thread is turning into word salad. I see it is you who use that monstrous implement to eat Chinese with. At least IN the chinky (hm) it could be a china one, but a metallic one? UnTHINKable!
salla can you rotate your head in any way to "loosen" any stiffness?
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What - like that Regan in The Exorcist?
I'll have a go - though I think it might be a bit disconcerting for Keith. I'll go off in the toilet discreetly and try.... Do I have to conjure up the green ectoplasm also?!!!
lol salla honestly I DIDN'T mean like that
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I know!!!
All these painillers are making me silly.....!

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