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Baby Baby II

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4getmenot | 09:38 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
20 Answers uestion453866.html

Following on from my question the other day just an update for those of you that posted. My friend told me last night that the girl was in rehab for last month so not taking anything as not even allowed methadone in there, they were going to induce her as thought the baby would be still born anyway but last Sunday week she went into labour and she gave birth at just gone 6 months. The little baby girl died yesterday morning.


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oh 4get, Im so sorry to hear of that little life lost.

I hope that the mother continues with her rehab though and that no other little child has to endure such a thing because of her drug problem
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well I dont know if you'd just been through that would you be thinking like that, or just continue to destroy your own life.
Poor little mite :-( Heroin addiction is such a horrible thing. Heres hoping the woman concerned stays off the drugs now.... somehow I doubt she will though.
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Shame because off the drugs she could be such a lovely girl
Really sorry to hear that 4get, iI only just read the other post. it is so common though.

My next door neighbours have custody of their grandson (their son is his father). The little boy's mum and dad are both junkies and constantly in and out of prison, he was born at just 2lbs and is now a gorgeous little 4year old boy who is going to pre-school. he is so polite and is a real credit to his nanny and grandad.

Sadly, another junkie girl I know went full term and anlthough the baby would have been a healthy weight (over 5lb) she was still born because she'd used throughout the pregnancy.

Sometimes these things happen for a reason, I hope the girl you know uses this as an excuse to get clean and not to use even more (as has happened in both of the situations I mentioned).
They always are though 4get aren't they? The girl I mentioned that had th still born baby last month was actually on her 4th pregnancy. Two of the litteluns are with their dads and one is in care, the fourth didn't make it. She is only 25.
Thats really heart goes out to mother and you 4get..............dont think you really get over things like that :(
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this girls 25. another mate of mine had her baby taken from her when she was 19 and 5 years later she still hasnt sorted herself out or seen the girl. You just think maybe this will make a difference in their life and they will want to change for the sake of their baby but unfortunately the addiction is too high and they don�t give a stuff about anyone but themselves.
that neighbour of mine that had her 3 taken away after the fire had her 4th child last week. The baby was immediately taken into care as she hadnt come off the drugs.
The mum is still living in a 3 bed council house has moved 2 blokes in with her and we are pretty certain she is dealing from the property. The council wont remove her as the social are hoping to get her to have her kids back at some point so we are stuck with a foul mouthed druggie next door who doesnt give a toss about anyone, least of all her own children
Unfortunately 4get...........its not just the addict who goes through pain.........if any ,at all sometimes,they are too numb in their emotions because of the drugs.They dont seem to appreciate that its the friends and family that have to watch them destroy themselves which i personally think is worse.........such as you have to go through the pain of seeing your friend desperately ill.........and for that ,like i said i am truely sorry :(
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I�m not too close to her I know her sister more who now has to go to the funeral of her niece. But yes I have had close friends that I�ve tried to help and that have treated me badly through being selfish. I have been in bits in the past but there�s only so many chances I gave them then told them never to come see me again. I don�t have any friends like that anymore. But doesn�t stop me hoping this girl gets herself sorted.
Morning 4get, It is sad that little baby didn't stand a chance bless her. I found it pitiful in the neonatal unit having to watch a newborn baby going through withdrawl .
4get, you sound like a genuinely lovely, caring lassy.......perhaps ite just in your nature, to nurture.......... what a great gift to have...:)
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morning Bigmamma yes very sad. A week old. :-(
morning bigmamma.............
Morning to you too someguy :-)
That is just so bloody sad I don't know what to say, 4get.

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pippa lost for words thats a first :-) its ok yes it is sad but as I said I wasnt that close. It just makes me angry.
Hmmmm..I admit it is odd for me to be lost for words!

I find it terribly sad. Yes, you can also get angry but the main emotion I feel about this is sadness. I feel sad for the baby but not the mother ~ it is difficult to feel emotion for someone whose lifestyle has made them emotionless.

Does that make sense?
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Alot, yes. xx

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