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shaneystar2 | 17:28 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | Beauty
989 Answers
Right ladies
The sun is out the sky is blue and it may very well hot up a bit a bit soon which means less slap. .This winter has taken it's toll on my skin and in spite of exfoliating ,cleansing and whatnot it looks dingy to me .
I don't expect miracles at my age but just need something to brighten my skin a bit and make it look a bit fresher .Do any of you use face packs on a regular basis and if so what can you recommend .


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Night night all.....
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I didn't watch UC Jude .I've been watching that Little England series about people who've decamped to go and live in France .
I keep meaning to watch it on catch up but I always forget .

Funny ending for Doc Martin .Mrs Tishell finally lost it .I wonder if they'll do another series .

Good night all .Sleep well.
Good morning all. Big solemn fiesta here today Day of the Dead, when we all go to the graves and light red candles for them, some people spend all day with lunch etc but as they are in niches in the walls, it's not the same as sitting by a grave.

Back is absolutely killing me, been aching for days but started with a vengeance last night, yes defo off to medico this week.

Mr N off to another golf comp and meal which means no cooking for me yay!

Lovely sunny day. 17° !
It's 1.11.11 today, soon be 11.11.11
Good Morning Each... Sun shining but cool - not complaining! My usual Tuesday. Going to a different pub for lunch. We haven't been there before so looking forward to it
Have a good day and see yer later 'gater(s)
Back from a super long weekend in Rutland. Am going to rush about this morning (although I am exhausted from eating, drinking, chatting, and walking plus loads of laughing) We have no food in the house, so have to shop. We have both probably put on about 3 stone, so it's now a couple of weeks of boring eating of limited portions!!

Will catch up later. Meanwhile hope you witches are all OK! xx
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Morning all
Bright at the moment .
Yes, take yourself to the doctor Neti .
Better make a move,straighten my face and do the errands .
See you later .
Ha shaney we both changed to poppies at the same time (well actually I changed on lappy about an hour ago but it didn't change til now on desktop).
Morning all, white rabbits...

Shame your visitor was hard work woofy, just talking can leave you exhausted. Hope your next caller is someone easy to chat to..

Hope your back eases neti, I'll see if I can whisk up a late spell for you.
I like the numbers today. I wonder what people were doing on 1.11.1111? Perhaps you can tell us? :o) <ducks>...I know I'll google on this day, see who was top of the pops.

Well I'm sat sitting waiting for the next delivery woman...the sure fire way to make her arrive would be to go to the loo or start washing my hair I spose...

Welcome back Lottie!
I nicked Neti's glittery poppy cos I is lazy....hope that's okay Neti?
hmm, not showing up
a haaaaa!
A.D. 1111.
This year the King Henry bare not his crown at Christmas, nor at Easter, nor at Pentecost. And in August he went over sea into Normandy, on account of the broils that some had with him by the confines of France, and chiefly on account of the Earl of Anjou, who held Maine against him. And after he came over thither, many conspiracies, and burnings, and harrowings, did they between them. In this year died the Earl Robert of Flanders, and his son Baldwin succeeded thereto.140 This year was the winter very long, and the season heavy and severe; and through that were the fruits of the earth sorely marred, and there was the greatest murrain of cattle that any man could remember.
woofy I am honoured that you have knicked my poppy, I glittered it myself. So where is it. Mine showed up on laptop an hour before it came on desktop.

Well, err..... thanks for that jno!!
That's a knitted one woofy, I am gutted..........................
oh dear it was deep woe-load then...I see squirrel fur was the thing if you'd got a few bob...where's my catapult, I doth feel a revival approacheth...?
I thought you might like to be unique Neti so I found a crochet one.
Just spoke to middle sister, and the hospital is sending a special bed for BiL and a special chair, he is still the same absoloutely no change. Just given up, even the district nurse says so. A special foot doctor is going in tomorrow to look at and treat the manky foot and he has an appointment with heart specialist on 24th. I said to give him gripe water and tell him it's to clear his arteries and I bet he'd buck up no end as he is scared of moving in case he gets a heart attack!
I have now caught up with you all, but my memory is so bad these days I have forgotten what I actually caught up with!!

I love the hotter boots and am tempted!!!

Sorry about your BiL Neti. The silly thing is he is doing his heart no good at all by not moving about, but obviously he wouldn't believe that.

Had some sad news this morning after my original posting about a friends son. Not going to go into any detail, but it's made me feel very down.

Still haven't gone to Morrisons, but will go shortly. It's really sunny and nice outside now.
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I'm sorry to hear about your BiL Neti ..that he's no better .Poor chap .I hope they can do something for him .Sorry you've had sad news too Lofty .There's always something isn't there .I hope you enjoyed your weekend .

I went thither (and hither ) and got caught in the bloody rain which came from nowhere and was very harrowing indeed ! And I'm sure there are many conspiracies in Morrisons because the grub goes up by ye olde leaps and bounds .

It's turned very dull and dismal over here Lofty and my washing is dripping on the line after the fine start .

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